Chapter 11

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(Two months later)


"Happy Birthday!" cheered my friends and family. We were all outside as today was a special occasion. Today was my birthday and the day before me and Caera became an adventurer.

"Thank you all for bearing another year with me," I said, bowing, causing everyone to laugh at me.

"I can't believe Art's already nine, it felt like yesterday when he was born," My mother laughed, while leaning against my father, who had Ellie sitting on his shoulders.

Soon carts came out with dishes hidden by a lid, Sylvie seemed excited, most likely wanting all the meat she could get her little paws on.

We all sat down on a large table with me placed at one of the ends. This confused Caera on where to sit as she has always grown up being taught proper manners at the table.

"Psst Caera, no one will care where you sit, the twin horns don't come from any high end family other than Jasmine. The Helstea's won't notice as they get drunk really quickly, so relax," I whispered to Caera, calming her down. She took the seat beside me and as I had said, no one brought it up.

The food that was brought out looked like pure delicacies, all beautifully done and just seemed to scream amazing. Caera seemed to almost drooling at the food, but the food in Alacrya was better than the food here in Dicathen, maybe she just wants to try new things.

"This isn't a museum. Get your hands in there and let's eat!" Aunt Tabitha said, clapping her hands signifying were allowed to dig in and eat.

The day was filled with laughter and cheers, people telling each other stories, with the Twin Horn stories seemingly being the ones everyone seemed to listen to. After a bit when they all started to get drunk the stories changed to a bit more inappropriate, which in the end cost Adam to get him with a gust of wind from Angela, which caused him to blow over and fall on his back, while his drink spilled all over him.

Caera mostly talked with Ellie and Lilia, they all have formed a sisterly bond together, which was great for their relationship. When adventurer stories were brought up, Caera would listen as if it was the only thing on this planet. She was acting like how she did over the Relictombs, which was quite funny to watch.

"Your turn durdy." Adam slurred his words slamming down his jar of booze. "Remember the time the back of your pants caught on fire and you had to go back into town covering your own bare ass?" Adam joked, while Durden covered his face in shame while the rest of us laughed.

"Adam, you seem to have forgotten the time a horned mole snuck up right under you while you were relieving yourself in a dungeon. As I recall, you got so scared, you landed flat on your back. Pissing on yourself like a fountain," Jasmine said, causing all of us to laugh, while Adam tried to defend himself.

Soon after we all went inside to the living room of the Helstea mansion. Me, Caera and Ellie sat on one of the couches.

"Now that we've finished dinner and Adam has been thoroughly humiliated, let's move on to presents." My father declared, taking a quick stab at Adam.

"Here you go Arthur, this gift is from your mother and I," My father said, handing me the nicely wrapped present. It was just a small yellow box, with a blue tie, holding down the lid of the present.

"Do you want to open it together, Ellie?" I asked Ellie, who nodded with eagerness as she crawled over to me and sat down beside me.

I opened the box, already knowing what was inside it. Inside the box was the glove I wore when Adventuring, It was completely black with open fingers, along with a metal protector area a bit above the wrist that went up to the end of the glove. The most important part of the glove was the three green crystals that were at the place where the knuckles would rest.

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