Chapter 60

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Tessia Eralith:

I walked out of masters office, my blood boiling, my fist clenched. I felt as if I was just stabbed by the only people that loved me. Why did master believe her over me? Did it mean nothing to her that her own student was hurt by someone else? Like sure, I was lying. But that doesn't mean she doesn't need to call me out on it. She could've just let it slide and all would be good. Caera would be kicked out and that'll give me more time with Arthur.

I followed behind my parents, mother and father seemed to be mad as they walked over to grandpa and told him what had happened inside. He didn't seem to be very happy either, giving me a quick glare before turning back to mother and father to calm them down.

"Let's go Tessia. We are returning to the castle to speak to you about your recent actions," Mother said, I gave them a slight nod before grudgingly following behind them. I didn't want to return to the palace, I want to stay here.

We went out to a carriage that was waiting for us outside the academy. Once inside the carriage grandpa told the driver to take us to the elven palace. The drive there was quiet. The only noise coming from the wheels spinning of the carriage and the sound of the feet of the mana beasts walking on the stone path. My entire family was looking at me, none of them saying anything, just looking at me with distane.

Once we had made it to the palace, mother, father and grandpa brought me over to the common area. "Tessia, sit down," My mother said, pointing at the couch. I gave her a small nod and walked over and sat down. They all were standing in front of me, looking down at me with disappointment covering their eyes.

"Tessia, do you know what you've done? Not only were you bullying that poor girl, you also lied to us and to Cynthia, the person who had trained you," Father said. I clenched my fists, why were they so mad? I didn't do anything wrong.

"You're an Eralith. You were a princess and now an heir to take our place on the council. But here you are, bullying students. What in your right mind could've made you bully that girl? You two were in the same class and now you two are both suspended and aren't allowed to go to the Beast-Glades with the rest of your class," Father continued, his gaze not leaving me.

"You do know people talk? What do you think your classmates will think when you're not in class or on the field trip? Once they realize the Student Council president was suspended. That doesn't look good on you or us. You'll make the other students think you're a spoiled royal." My mother said her eyes also weren't leaving me like fathers. I hated this entire interaction, all I could do was nod my head too scared to say anything.

"And what that poor girl said, you were bullying her because her Beast-Will had yet to assimilate while yours has. That is shameful to you and the Eralith name. We elves do not take practice in being like that, we stay calm and try to keep to our beliefs. Not chastit others for not doing something you can," Father continued, rubbing his head, trying to keep his words calm and not shout.

"Tessia, was it a mistake for me to get you that Beast-Will? Tell me, did you pick on that girl for other reasons other than her not assimilating? Tell me, did you lie to me when you said Arthur had yelled at you," Grandpa asked, he spoke in a calm voice, but his eyes were piercing my soul. I was scared. Why had I lied to my grandpa so much? I had never done that, but why, why have I started to do it so much now?

"What do you mean she lied about Arthur yelling at her?" Mother asked, looking over at grandpa who seemed to be solely looking at me, ignoring my parents.

"Yes, yes I picked on Caera for other reasons other than she has yet to assimilate her Beast-Will. Yes, yes I lied when I said Arthur had yelled at me," I sniffled, tears welding up in my eyes. I felt so embarrassed, I felt like a fool, but no matter how I felt the feeling that Arthur was mine never left me. I know he's not mine, but my body is telling me he is.

"Tessia, what were the other reasons you were picking on Caera? Tell me why you lied to me," Grandpa asked, walking over to where I was sitting and sitting down beside me.

"I was picking on Caera because I was jealous, I was jealous that Arthur loves her and not me. I picked on her so that I could feel better about myself, to think that maybe Arthur will love me like he loves her. It was the same reason I lied to you, I thought that maybe you pressuring Arthur would cause him to rethink dating Caera and come to me," I said, placing my hands at my eyes, trying into them, trying to keep my tears from coming out of my eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for telling us the truth. That still doesn't mean you're free to go without punishment. Until your suspension is over, you'll not be allowed to leave your room. And once the suspension is over we'll be inviting Arthur and Caera over, where you'll be apologizing to both of them for your actions," Grandpa said. I gave him a weak nod before getting up and going towards my room.

Caera Denoir:

I walked to my dorm room and sat down on my bed. Claire wasn't in here, most likely at her next class. I was now stuck inside her for the next week, nothing to do. I was about to ask Regis to come out of my body, but I heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened the door to see Sevren standing there.

"Sevren? What are you doing here?" I asked, letting him inside the room. Sevren walked over, not saying a word and sitting down on one of the two chairs in the room. "I heard about your suspension, wanna talk about it?" Sevren asked.

"No, not really. Is that the only reason you came here?" I asked, sitting down on my bed and grabbing the whitedragon plushie, snuggling it close to my chest. "No, I've also come to tell you that I've been called back to Alacrya. I've been called by Seris to explain my findings. So, I came here to say goodbye," Sevren said. I gripped my plushie more, I didn't want him to leave yet, I wanted him to stay just a bit longer.

"You were here for such a short time, we didn't get to do much together," I mumbled, getting a pat on the top of my head from Sevren. "It's alright, we'll see each other again, I can promise that," Sevren said, walking over to the door to leave. "Oh before I forget, I find Arthur is good enough for you," Sevren added, walking right out the door and shutting it behind him before leaving.

'The princess got permission already. Damn, I was hoping to see a blood bath for him to get permission,' Regis grumbled, jumping out of my body and sitting right beside me. 'Anyways, since we're gonna be stuck in here for a week, I'm gonna send memories of shows the princess watched in his past life. Give us something to do over this next week. So what'll it be, Star wars, Marvel, or One Piece?' The titles confused me, but I didn't mind the idea.

"Let's try Marvel," I said, the next thing I knew a screen popped up inside my mind and some sound started to play in my head. 'Alright first movie Captain Marvel' Regis said.


A/N: I've already said this on the Two Future's Bound discord server, but I'll say it again. The chapters for TFB will be shortened for a while. Till around June 23 you'll get chapters around 1.5k words long. While this may cause the academy arc to feel as if it is dragging on. When I return I'll try and add more words to chapter, maybe go to around 3k words per chapter to speed the pace back up to where I want it to be. Of course I won't do that extra words if you don't want me to and you feel that the pace is fine as it is.

Some of you may wonder why I won't just stop updating and well the reason is I want to see how long I can keep this streak going. I've gone for 53 now, lets see how far I can take this. Maybe even break the cats record, though that is unlikely.

Also Join the discord Server. Here I can go into more depth about the chapters and talk with you guys. You can even access the docs of the past arcs that I've posted there



Daily upload streak: 60


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