Chapter 43

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Tessia Eralith:

I walked into my next class, Team battle mechanics 1. I saw Art, my precious Art leaning against a tree, beside him was that bitch, Caera. How dare she take away my Art, the person who is supposed to be with me.


Kai Crestless:

I walked up to princess Tessia's door and knocked on it. I quickly sprung up, into the shadows of the ceiling. Once her door had opened up and she had taken a couple steps outside her dorm room I jumped down and with a quick chop to the back of the neck she went out cold.

I carried her back inside her room and shut the door. Once inside I laid her down on her bed. Channeling mana through my dimension ring a potion appeared in my hands. Taking the potion I poured it into her mouth, causing a red glow to come from under her.

"This should work. With the princess under our control, getting information would be easy," I said, placing the empty potion in my ring and leaving Tessia's room, making sure no one saw me.

End Flashback

Tessia eralith:

I wanted to march right over to them and punch her, but was Interrupted when a shadow loomed over all of us. I looked up and saw a flare hawk flying down with someone riding on its back.

This was our professor. Professor Glory. She had given a brief explanation of what this class will be about and also decided what we'll do for our first class. Curtis in his amazing mind gave requests for Art and I to be on the same team, the power couple.

The other team consisted of that bitch, Caera. She was mine and I was going to beat her in a fight.

Professor Glory had us get changed for the group war thing. Art seemed to have trouble with one of his straps. I was about to go over and help him, but Caera got there first. I felt my blood boil, as she had taken my spotlight.

Once everyone had gotten ready both teams went to separate sides of the battlefield. Looking across the large grassy field I saw Caera, Curtis and Clive. Curtis seemed to be trying to talk to Caera, but she was giving him a cold shoulder.

Soon I heard professor Glory's voice scream out from atop her bond. "Alright teams be ready, the fight starts in, 3, 2, 1, go!"

As she finished I charged right towards Caera.

Vanesy Glory:

As I counted in the fight, I watched the elven princess charge across the field, going straight towards the navy blue haired girl. She had a sort of look in her eyes, one that screamed rage and hatred. I was confused, why did the princess seem to hate the blue haired girl? Do they have a past?

Switching my attention over to the other four, I watched princess Curtis charge at Arthur with the same look as Tess, if not even more hatred in his eyes. 'What's with the royals having so much hatred for those two?' I thought, not being able to hold myself back from curiousment of their emotions.

Looking over to the other two, Clive pulled back his bow and shot three arrows at Claire, while she quickly dispersed them with wind magic.

Putting my focus on Prince Curits' fight, I saw that he had mounted his bond, and ws going for a rush and flee tactics. Diving in and attacking Arthur, then running away so Arthur couldn't retaliate.

Arthur seemed to be dealing with it perfectly, just dogging Prince Curtis' attacks. It was impressive, he moved better than most seasoned adventurers who have gone down countless dungeons.

Curtis soon started to get annoyed, his grip on his bond tightening, while he coated his sword with fire. His movement soon started to pick up speed, his attacks coming in at fast past, but each attack was effortlessly dodged by Arthur, him almost not caring for Curtis.

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