Chapter 38

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Arthur Leywin:

Once the announcement had ended, we started to walk around the campus, trying to make our way to the dorm rooms. Caera had been holding my hand since the announcement, not letting go for even a second.

Sylvie was currently snuggled on my head. While she wasn't sleeping, she seemed to be trying to tan? It was odd.

She was in the form of a two-tailed white fox, so it wasn't like she can really get a tan. I tried to ask her what she was doing, but each time, she just ignored me.

It wasn't too long when some random noble brat came over to us. He was wearing a battle mage uniform, with a cocky air around him, as if he thought he was the strongest person in the world.

"Pathetic, a scholar-mage is undeserving of someone so beautiful as the woman beside you.

I demand you to relinquish your relationship with her so that she and I, the two who are truly in love, live out our lives together!" the noble brat yelled, pointing his finger at us. (A.N I cringed on so many levels writing that) ( E.N I cringed proofreading that.)

I looked over to Caera to see her face distort into one of disgust. I let out a light chuckle and leaned in front of Caera and planted a kiss on her lips, causing the noble brat to scream like a girl.

"How dare you assault such beauty with your common lips! I Dorcus March challenge you to a duel for the hand of the Ruby goddess!" He yelled, placing his hand on the school emblem and requesting a duel between the two of us.

'Papa, please kill him. He's giving me a headache,' Sylvie said, jumping off of my head and into Caera's arms, planting her head on Caera's assets.

"Sure, I, Arthur Leywin, accept your duel," I chuckled, rolling up my sleeves and placing my hand on the emblem, accepting the duel.

Once the yellow barrier appeared around us, he charged right at me, a broadsword in his left hand. The sword has some fire coated on it, but it was like a flame that could be blown out by a light gust of wind.

I walked forward and did a small side step on his slash. I reached out and placed my hands on his face and slammed him down to the ground, causing the stone pathway to break.

The golden barrier around us started to fall. I looked down at him and saw that his face was a bloody mess.

"Oops, maybe that was a bit too strong," I muttered, turning away and walking back over to Caera.

I saw that Sylvie had fallen asleep in Caera's embrace, her head conveniently resting on Caera's chest. I could see a sly smile on her face, as if she knew what she was doing.

'Regis what have you done to my precious daughter,' My inside self is crying tears of sadness.

After that encounter, we continued walking around the campus trying to get to the dorms. We soon came across a large gathering of students.

We walked through the crowd to see a duel going on. It was the duel between the noble brat and the dwarf.

"See! You should've stayed in the hole you crawled out of, and continued to make weapons for true warriors like myself!" The noble boy said, continuing to swing his sword at the downed dwarf.

Before he could strike the dwarf Caera stepped in, blocking his swords with Ruby's Edge(The red crystal blade she got back in chapter 8).

"What are you doing? The duel is over. Can you not see the golden barrier is no longer up?" Caera asked, pushing the noble brat onto the ground.

"Finishing my duel, that's what I'm doing. And it is something you interrupted!" He yelled, getting up from the ground, pointing his sword at Caera.

"Do you dare mess with the house of tinkletarts!?" He yelled, his eyes filled with pathetic flames of desperation.

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