Chapter 12

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I was getting ready to go to sleep for the night, but before I did that I wanted to look at my gear. I never really took a good look at it as I didn't think it would be important. But I remembered Arthur saying I would need an alias to go by so people don't track us down if we piss someone off.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out the bag that held my cloak and mask. Inside was the nightmare foxes cloak, it is supposed to help us sneak up on unsuspecting people, but I'll need to test that myself.

The voice altering mask was white with a red ruby over the left eye hole, the gem looked to be broken, as if it was shattered and the pieces were flying all around.

"Hmm, If I'm going to have an alias I guess it should have something to do with my mask. The red does go with my eyes and it's in the shape of a ruby, so I guess ruby wouldn't be that bad of a name," I mumbled out loud, while leaning on my bed trying to think of a good name.

"Well I guess it doesn't matter that much so Ruby will fit," I said, packing up the cloak and mask and putting it back in the drawer to get ready to go adventuring tomorrow.

I laid down in my bed and let myself drift off to sleep.

"Wake up big sister!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes to see Ellie, who was jumping on my bed chanting for me to wake up.

"I'm up Ellie, I'm up," I groggled, getting up from my rest.

"I'm gonna go wake up brother now!" She yelled, taking my blanket with her again like she always does.

I got up and showered and put on my adventurer clothes. I wore black paints that felt similar to the clothes I wore in the future inside the Relictombs. A black shirt that showed through the dark blue nightmare fox cloak. I had a backpack on that held my sleeping roll along with supplies. There was now just one problem with my appearance, my hair.

It looked like a tornado went through it and still no matter how much I try I still can't get it to look like how it does when Arthur does it.

Just as I was going to accept the fact that I'll have to live with this hair, "You have a problem again?" Arthur chuckled, while walking into my room and taking the brush from my hand and started to brush my hair.

Looking at the mirror, Arthur was wearing a black turtleneck long sleeve paired with black pants and boots. He wears a loose, pale, argyle shirt beneath a hooded, navy blue jacket with grey markings across the sleeves. Arthur wears black, spiked aurochs skinned, fingerless gloves with three green, single-use healing spell gems embedded on the knuckles. Along with his gloves, he also wears a silver ring on his ring finger, a matching pair with his mother's red jewelled ring. He also carries a dark olive hiker's backpack with a green sleeping bag rolled up beneath it and his two swords strapped on both sides of his waist. While I was looking at his appearance I noticed the chain I gave him still wrapped around his neck under his shirt.

"So, are you excited to become an adventurer?" Arthur asked me, still brushing my hair, while lightly humming.

"Yes, but I don't really know how the system works here, so could you give me a brief run down?" I asked him, to which he gave me a slight nod.

"Sure, here in Dicathen our adventuring system is a lot different from anything in Alacrya. Here we have ranks that go from E class all the way up to SS class. Each class gives your permits to enter certain dungeons. Usually you can enter a dungeon that corresponds with your class," He explained.

"Okay and what rank are we trying to get?" I asked.

"We are going to aim for A class, this is a good rank so that we can go into some strong dungeons early on," He smiled while he finished doing my hair. "Oh, also I think I found a solution for the mana difference from here In Dicathen then here in Alacrya," Arthur smiled, causing me to light up thinking I could use magic like they do here.

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