Chapter 67

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Arthur Leywin:

We exited the Widow's Crypt. Professor Glory made sure everyone was alright and that there were no casualties. Curtis fangirls were screeching on how it was thanks to Prince Curtis that we were alive and that he protected everyone. Theo two girls got a disgusted look from everyone, while they just went back to fawning over Curtis.

Ignoring them, the class started to make our way back to Xyrus. We walked through the forest of the Beast-Glades, tracing our steps back to where we had started off. It took us the same amount of time it took us to get to the Widow's Crypt. Once we reached the teleportation gate the guards let us into the gate, allowing us to return to Xyrus city.

Once up in the city Professor Glory started to get our class organised to bring us back to the academy. "Alright everyone, we had an interesting dungeon field trip but now it's time to return to the academy, follow me," Professor Glory said, turning herself to start making our way to the academy.

"Professor Glory, I'm actually going to return to my house," I said, getting a confused look from Professor Glory, but she just gave me a nod.

I left and started to make my way back to the Helstea estate. My family had plans to go shopping tomorrow and I would rather rest in my own bed than rest in the academy bed. While Feyfey may be worried about me, I'm sure Claire will tell him where I am.

I walked through Xyrus, the shops were closing down, and the temperature was dropping. The weather was already cold with winter on the rise, but being so high in the air Xyurs gets extremely cold at night.

I soon started to make my way to the Helstea estate, seeing the large mansion and clean trim hedges that surrounded it. Walking up seeing all the light artifacts and the bugs that were flying around the lights, making a slight buzzing noise. Looking up at the front door of the Helstea estate was Ellie and Caera, who were both asleep.

I let out a light chuckle as I walked over to the two. They had most likely fallen asleep while waiting for me to return from the field trip. I sat down beside the two and started to gently nudge the both of them. Caera didn't seem to wake up, but Ellie's eyes sprun open when I shuck her.

"It's good to see you, Ellie," I smiled, getting a large hug from my little sister. "It seems you and Caera had fallen asleep while I was gone," I said, getting pinched from Ellie. "Ow, ow," I laughed, causing her to stop.

Looking over to Caera she seemed to still be asleep. "I guess she does have the same sleeping problem I do," I chuckled, picking Caera up in a bridal style.

I walked inside the mansion, Ellie shutting the doors behind us. No one else seemed to be awake, not even the maids or butlers. I brought Ellie to her room and made sure she fell asleep before I brought Caera to her room. I placed her down in her bed and tucked her in. Before leaving the room I left a kiss on her forehead.

Making my way back to my room, I go and quickly shower. Once out of the shower and changed I decided to contact Sylvie who was still in the Beast-Glades. 'Sylv, when are you going to come back?' I asked, sitting down in my bed.

'Look out the window papa,' I heard Sylvie say, turning towards the window I saw Sylvie who was in a miniature dragon form flying in front of my window. Letting out a light chuckle I walked over and unlocked the window, allowing Sylvie to fly in. She flew around my room a couple of times before landing on my bed and transforming back into her two tail white fox.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Sylvie," I said, pulling the covers over me and closing my eyes.

The next day once I had woken up I made my way downstairs where my parents, Helsteas and Caera were all sitting down eating breakfast. "There you are son, we almost had to send Ellie up to wake you up," Dad said, walking over and giving me a hug, which I returned. "So, tell us about the field trip."

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