Chapter 65

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Arthur Leywin

We walked into the dungeon, following closely behind Professor Glory. I could see the people around starting to shiver, forgetting to augment their bodies. The deeper we went down these long stone cut stairs, the more gems and crystals we found. These crystals would be perfect for making jewellery and other luxurious items.

Looking around at my group, Claire seemed to be ready for anything, while Curtis was walking with a sense of arrogance, and the two fangirls were fawning over Crutis's every step. It was embarrassing to even be in the same team as them. Like seriously, do they have no pride?

Once we reached the first floor there was an absence of Snarlers. Professor Glory seemed to be confused, looking all around, trying to find a hint of there being mana beasts here. Looking over to my group I saw Marge was about to break formation, trying to walk over to Curtis. I reached over and pulled her back to her spot, giving her a quick glare.

"Be ready, we don't know if they'll just pop out of nowhere," I said, getting a nod from Claire while the other three just scoffed. I couldn't help but be annoyed. Was Curtis this much of a piece of shit in the first timeline? Or has he always been like this? Like before, Curtis was kind and nice. He stood up to justice and didn't let others do wrong while he was around. He was charmful and nice. But now, Curtis is self centred, egotistical, thinks he's better than everyone else, why? Just because he has royal blood in him?

As we continued to walk forward, hundreds of glowing red dots appeared all around the area. Down in the cracks in the walls and even hiding behind some of the crystals on the ceiling. "Everyone, be ready!" Professor Glory yelled. I instantly drew Dawn from her sheath, while Claire had her rapier already in front of her, ready to fight off any of the in coming beasts. The two fangirls struggled to pull out their wands, while Curtis just stood there, not even bothering to pull out his sword or shield.

The Snarlers started to rush at the group. While most groups were faring quite well, we weren't. We had three cases of dead weight on our team in the form of two fangirls and one arrogant prince. I started to cut down the Snarlers, making sure none of them could reach the dead weight.

The Snarlers continued to pile up, more and more started to attack. Them noticing our group has two actual useful people, they started to focus their attention on us. Because of Curtis not doing anything I had to stress my mana more, making earth and ice spikes to deal with the combatants of Snarlers.

Once the initial hordes of Snarlers were taking down, Professor Glory called us all over to her. "Alright, this isn't safe anymore. This dungeon is odd, this amount of Snarlers aren't even found in the lower levels of the Widow's Crypt. We're all turning around and leaving," Professor Glory said, pointing towards the exit of the dungeon. Everyone seemed to be shaken up from the experience. Well everyone other than the fangirls and Curtis.

"Please, this was easy, let's keep going," Curtis said, pointing towards more Snarlers that were coming this way. "Yeah, Prince Curtis will protect all of us, we have nothing to worry about," The two fangirls screamed, causing everyone in the class to slap their own faces. I would even rather hang out with Clive and Lucas than be with these two another second.

Because of those three "Selfless acts" of wanting to continue on, the other class members wanted to continue on. I couldn't fathom on how stupid this people are. But in the end, Professor Glory fell to pure pressure and decided that we'll be continuing in. doing so I just let out a sigh. I kept in formation, remembering individuals who broke formation which caused others to lose their lives.

Keeping a calm mindset, I started to cut down the hordes of beasts. Quick slashed and fast movements allowed me to dispatch them with little to no effort. Looking at my team, Claire seemed to be fine, while Curtis started to help, but he wasn't doing his job, just killing the ones that went for him and not protecting the emitter and the conjurer. It pissed me off on how dumb he was being, but just ignored it and continued to deal with the Snarlers.

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