Chapter 35

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Arthur Leywin

"Caera, I want to ta---ARTHUR LEYWIN!" I heard my mother yell. Her footsteps sounded like thunder, each step getting louder and louder. The fear that was running through my body felt as if I was facing both Agrona and Kezess with their armies of asuras behind them.

'I'm so dead!' Was the only thing I could think of, while I tried to escape my mothers wrath.

I tried to run towards the window and jump out, but before I could I felt the cold fingers of my mothers wrap around my wrist. I slowly turned towards her, sweat pouring down my face. I looked at my mother, instead of the usual dark aura around her it was just a giant skeleton that screamed death standing behind her.

"ARTHUR LEYWIN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG FOR THAT. WE'RE ALL GOING TO NEED TO HAVE A GOOD CHAT!" My mother yelled, her voice booming throughout the house, maybe even all of Xyrus.

"WE'RE GOING TO GO TALK WITH YOUR FATHER," My mother said, she started to drag me out of the room. "YOU TOO CAERA!" She yelled, causing Caera to jump from the bed and follow closely behind us.

She dragged us to the living room and sat us down on the couch, both of us looking down at the ground, trying to avoid all eye contact with anyone and everything in the house.

"Honey what's going on?" My fathers asked, coming into the room along with the rest of the Twin Horns and the Helstea's.

"ARTHUR, TELL YOUR FATHER WHAT I SAW YOU AND CAERA ABOUT TO DO!" My mother demanded, the power in her voice blowing my hair back.

I looked over to my father, coges turning inside his eyes. After a couple seconds I think he figured out what happened. "OH SHIT, HAHAHAHAHAHA! ARTHUR YOU'RE SO DEAD" My father laughed, leaving the room abandoning me and Caera.


"BOTH OF YOU ARE GROUNDED TILL FURTHER NOTICE!" She yelled, pointing her finger signaling us to leave the room.

"But Caera's birthday is next week." I said, causing my mother to stop in her tracks.

"YOU ARE UNGROUNDED ON THAT DAY AND THEN RIGHT BACK TO BEING GROUNDED THE DAY AFTER" She yelled, causing both of us to nod vigorously before running towards our rooms.

I opened the door to my room. I looked around, but didn't see Sylvie. At first I thought she was with Regis, but Regis was asleep.

'Papa you cheater!' I heard Sylvie yelled, her jumping up in the air trying to scratch my face.

'Cheater? What do you mean?' I asked, catching her before she could scratch my face out of existence.

'That woman isn't mama,' She yelled, tearing welling up in her eye. Her arms were flying around trying to scratch me.

'Sylvie, calm down.' I said, placing her down on the bed. I sat down beside her and started to scratch under her chin, cousin her to stop trying to scratch me. 'I think I know what you mean,' I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead, trying to think of the best way to explain this.

'Why do you think Tess and I have something together?' I asked, causing her to look at me strangely.

'Because, you and mama we're always around each other,' She sniffled.

'I guess Regis didn't teach you about love' I thought as I continued to scratch her chin.

'While yes, the beginning of your life was spent beside Tess and I which could've caused you to believe me and Tess were in a relationship and make you view her as your mother. I never had feelings for her. While I'm certain she most likely has feelings for me. I just can't replicate those feelings for her,' I explained, Sylvie still not really understanding what I meant.

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