Chapter 53

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Arthur leywin

I sat down on a chair inside the DC meeting room. We had just been called to talk about a problem that has popped up twice now. Everyone else was also sitting around the table other than Claire.

Claire was standing up. Pacing at the end of the table. She seemed to be in great thought, but I couldn't tell what she was thinking about. "Alright, recently we've had a couple of problems that have popped up," Claire said, stopping paced and slamming her hands on the table, making some of the members jump in surprise.

"Over the past two weeks we've had one problem pop up twice. While usually it is just vandalism or racial discrimination. This was completely different. We had now found two students who had these odd symbols on their backs. Causing mana to leak out of them like crazy. Which in the end, leads to their death," Claire finished, the room went silent, no one spoke up. Most likely everyone was processing the information.

"How do we know they have the same problem?" Curtis asked, his eyes looked over at Claire. They almost seem giddy for information. He looked like Gideon does when I say I have an idea for him.

"While we haven't been given the details of what happened. So, we only know about the things we learned when we found the bodies. From what I could tell, there were runes on their backs. Their runes looked to be made out of their own blood. From the short analysis I did when examining the corpses. I noticed that they seemed to be pretty similar." Claire finished, taking her hands off the table. She started to scratch her hair, racking her brain for ideas.

"Claire, calm down. You've given us some information to go off of. We know there are these "Blood Runes" being placed on students, making them release mana from their cores. This caused their death, as they aren't able to bring the mana back in."

"This means we have something to go off of. We could bring the problem to the director. I'm sure she would be willing to lend us some information, right?" Feyrith said, his eyes cold and calculating. It seems those political books are starting to pay off for him.

"Yes, you're right. I already have a meeting set up with the Director in thirty minutes. But we still have a couple other things to go over before I and someone else go to meet with the Director," Claire said, making Feyfey nod, while she returned back into a deep thought.

"Claire, mind me asking. But do we know of any triggers that caused these students to start attacking others and for these runs to go into effect?" Curtis asked. He has shown more interest in this meeting than any other meeting. Curtis would usually just sit there and daze off. Usually causing Theo to wake him up with gravity magic.

"Um sure, while the first one we don't know of the reason they had started to attack people. But for the second one we do. Kathyln was on patrol and a student started to talk to her. While she was talking to him, a boy from a noble house, Marcois, came over and attacked the male who was talking to Kathyln," Claire explained, Kathyln nodding about the story while everyone else seemed to go deep in thought.

"So, do we believe the "Blood Runes'' came into effect because of the boy talking to Kathyln, or because they were activated from somewhere else?" Feyfey asked, making Claire go deeper into thought.

"I don't know to be completely honest. If we could get information from the Director about the runes we could get more info. But I don't think we'll get anything from her," Claire sighed, sitting down in her chair.

"Alright, I should start going to the Director's office. Does anyone want to come with me?" Claire asked, looking around the room for volunteers.

"I'll go," Caera said, standing up from her chair.

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