chapter 13

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Once we received our adventurer cards, we went over to the gate that leads us into the Beast Glades. We showed our adventurer cards to the guards and at first they didn't believe us, but with a quick shot of killing intent at them they allowed us into the Beast Glades.

Once in the Beasts Glades we watched an E rank adventurer get shot in the face from piss of an E rank mana beast. See this was quite humorous, but Caera hit me on the head as we continued to move on.

I saw Sylvie jump out of my backpack and chase after some wild mana beasts, remembering she did this in the original timeline I was going to leave her be, but I then saw Regis jump out of Caera's shadow and into Sylvies.

'Regis, what are you doing?' I asked, confused as to what his plan was.

'I'm going to spend time with my niece, so I don't need to watch you and Caera be all lovely, lovely and make me sad,' He said, cutting off our communication link not letting me fight back, while he stayed in Sylvie's body.

I looked back over to Jasmine and Caera to see that they didn't notice Regis which was a good thing.

"You two better keep up," Jasmine said, bursting off, with me and Caera keeping up with her. She used wind magic to keep the wind from holding her back allowing her to go faster, and with me and Caera being directly behind her, the wind wasn't holding us back either.

We soon arrived at the area where me and Jasmine had set up camp for the original timeline. Jasmine went to get firewood while Caera and I set up the tent for the night as the sun was setting.

"You two are dark orange right? Though I slowed down a bit you two were able to keep a pretty good pace with me," Jasmine said, coming back with firewood. "I thought we would've had to stop and rest a few times," She said while finishing making the campfire, and I lit it with some fire.

"Your bond hasn't come back yet. Is she doing okay?" Jasmine asked sitting down on a log me and Caera dragged over for us to sit down on.

"Oh yeah she'll be fine," I said nonchalantly, while looking at a map of dungeons we could do over the next two years. While In the last timeline Jasmine chose most of the dungeons, I want to pick some that will help us in the future.

"Jasmine, in a few months after we try out a few lower level dungeons I think this should be our first A rank dungeon. Caera and I were given A rank early on so it wouldn't be hard for us to deal with this once we got a bit more experience inside dungeons," I said, pointing at a dungeon on the map.

"Are you sure? Spectral bay is an A rank dungeon, but if you two think you'll be ready to do a dungeon of that rank so early on then I don't see a problem with it," Jasmine said looking at the location of the dungeon. It was more out on the east side of the Beast Glades near the edge.

"Caera what do you think?" I asked her, only to find her already asleep in her bedroll. "Huh,"

"Welp, we might as well get some sleep too," Jasmine said, looking up at the sky already seeing the moon up at its peak.

"Yeah, goodnight," I said, getting in my bedroll, which was on the olderside of the campfire, as Jasmine wanted no lovey-dovey moments between me and Caera, which made me blush, wondering why I would do anything like that with her.I only see her as a friend... Right?

The next morning I woke and saw Jasmine who was cooking breakfast, and Caera who was still sleeping.

"Good morning," Jasmine said, who was standing over a cracked rock that looked like it got beaten up pretty badly.

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