Chapter 61

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Sevren Denoir:

I walked through the teleporter gate, returning to Alacrya. I walked through the area around me, the stone walls of the High-Sovereigns palace. I walked down till I had exited, the palace. I was to report to Seris, not the High-Sovereign.

Walking through the cold environment that surrounds the High-Sovereigns palace. He had kept his palace away from everything else. Living away from us "lessers". The walk back to Central Domain isn't anything difficult, it is just long.

The cold winds from having to descend down a mountain, the snow that would pack under my feet each time I would take a step. The tree wails from the cold breeze of the air, blowing its leaves.

As I made it down from the mountain, entering into Central Domain. I walked through the streets, hearing the people around him talk and enter stores. I was greeted by a large amount of bows, being a Retainer causes me to be someone the people look up to. A lesser person who is capable of strength more than they can reach.

Once I had reached the Denoir estate that was located on the outskirts of the city. Looking up at the large mansion I let out a large sigh. Here I was, back at the Denoir estate, leaving behind my little sister in Dicathen. I wished I could bring her back here, but with what I've learned in the short time I was there is that Caera is safe where she is.

I walked into the estate, walking through the halls. I was greeted by the servants of the house. I was greeted by servants, not my mother, not my father, not even my other brother. Just the maids and butlers. It was ironic, me, a Retainer, someone who is viewed as one of the strongest this continent has to offer isn't even greeted by his own blood once returning from a mission.

Walking into my study I placed everything on the walls, even placing a picture I took of Caera, Arthur and I. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. I had thought of killing Arthur when I had first arrived in Dicathen, but in the end I became quite fond of him.


I had just finished helping Gideon with his class. The crazy artificer had an interesting personality. He was crazy, that's for sure. But he also seemed to be a good teacher, well to the people who had some talent in artificing. Gideon was a great artificer, I would say that I was better though. But if he could gain the knowledge of runes and relics from the Relictombs he would be able to understand them better than most.

Leaving the classroom I made my way across the academy, wanting to make some plans with Caera and Arthur to go out and get some food. See just how capable Arthur is to be with my little sister. While we may not share the same blood, it doesn't mean I can't love her as if she was my own blood.

I had found Caera and Arthur leaving their final classes. Seeing me Caera gave me a hug while Arthur walked behind her. "It's good to see you Caera," I smiled, hugging her back.

"Sevren, how has your day been?" Caera asked, looking up at me with a large smile. She seems to be happier than she ever was when she was in Alacrya. It hurt a bit, but I also felt happy. My little sister has found a place where she feels she is happy and doesn't want to leave.

"It's been good. I actually came looking for you two for a reason," I said, getting a confused look from the two of them. "I came here to ask if you two want to go get some food with me. It's been a while since I've had some good time with my sister and I would like to get to know Arthur better," I continued, getting a look from Caera, I didn't know what this look meant, but she didn't seem to be happy with me. I was confused by this look, all I wanted to do was to get to know Arthur better, nothing else.

"Alright, I don't see the problem with us going out to get food. I think it would be good for all of us, allowing each other to get to know each other better than we do now," Arthur said, getting a hesitant nod from Caera. I was still confused by how she was acting, but decided it was better to not dig too deep into it.

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