Chapter 27

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After Aya said that we were to go down the cave, I stayed back and walked with Arthur behind everyone. Walking down the cave it got increasingly colder, the cold shivers that were running up my spins. Every little bit there was a large gust of wind. The wind had mana in it, not a lot, but there was still a bit of mana in it.

"Do you feel the mana in the wind?" I asked, getting a nod from everyone. I saw Arthur drawing his black sword, while Jasmine took out her daggers.

Soon we started to see a dim light in front of us. Once we got to the dim light. We stepped into a large cave, it was huge, maybe the size of three floating cities of Xyrus. But what was the bad thing stood on the other side of the room.

I stood terrified, a looming shadow covered us. I looked up to try and see the creature that looked down upon us, we were nothing but ants in its eyes. It had the body of a hawk, a perfect predator. From wing to wing it looked about 200ft. But even then that couldn't even compliment the beast's true size. Long scarlet tail feathers that made carpets in the Denoir estate look short. Its huge blood stained talons could rip a ship from the water and carry it with ease. Its piercing yellow eyes could strike fear into anyone, they were merciless. Resting on its back were sapphire feathers that could be mistaken as jewels. Its underbelly was as white as snow. What scared me the most was its beak. It could crush castle walls and send despair into all who witnessed it. It was sharp and accurate, one hit and we'd be dead.

"We need to get out of here, NOW!" Aya whispered, all of us taking small steps back. But it was already too late. The beast had noticed us and flown down from its perch. Before we could leave the room it let out an ear piercing caw, causing the entire room to be covered in this large wind barrier, tornadoes flying around everywhere, throwing rocks all around.

"It was good knowing you guys," Noah mumbled, dropping his wand on the ground, looking up at the impending doom that was to come.

"Don't give up yet, at least fight till your dying breath," Aya yelled, she was preparing a large attack, a tornado that was half the size of the beast was above her staff.

The beast seemed to notice the strength in the attack and started to conjure up an attack that was similar to Aya, from the amount of mana in it to the size of it.

Aya launched the attack, and the beast followed suit. Once the two attacks clashed, the torrents of the winds colliding were destroying large boulders. I swear my mask had almost fallen off.

The attacks canceled each other out. When that had happened the beast looked confused, it tilted its head to the side, looking at Aya with confusion. After a couple seconds it seemed to snap out of its confusion and started to prepare another attack.

Wind swirled around the beak of the beast, making an ear bleeding sound, like someone was running their fork across a plate. Before I could cover my ears the nose stopped.

Aya had conjured a sound canceling barrier around us, stopping any nose to come in and destroy our ears.

"Thanks Aya," Arthur said, helping Noah stand up, and pick up his wand.

The beast then brought down its beak at where we stood. We were all able to jump out of the way. Where the beast had struck, there was a large crater, giant rocks blew out of the ground landing all around the room.

The beast pulled its beak out effortlessly, and turned around and looked at where we stood. It seemed to have marked Aya as the strongest one out of all of us, only looking directly at her and no one else.

"Aya, it's solely focused on you, try and lure it away from us so that we can attack it. This beast won't go down without all of us working together," Arthur said, Aya giving him a light nod and then bursting away.

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