Chapter 23

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'I'm going to go take care of my niece,' I told Arthur, jumping into Sylvie's body.

I watched Sylvie run around, hunting mana beasts and eating their cores. She was only hunting low level E rank beasts, none of them being any special. None of them had any mana, not even enough to fill a black core mages' core.

After a while she finally found a place to rest for the night. I decided to let her sleep for the night and I would come out and talk to her in the morning. Once the sun came up, she got up after being out for a few hours, she definitely got that habit from her princess of a father.

"Ello there niece. I'm uncle Regis nice to meet you," I said, jumping out of her body, startling her. She seemed to try and talk to me, but her vocabulary is a little close to nothing.

"You don't seem to understand so I'll do most of the talking. My name is Regis, your fathers trusted weapon, and now your uncle. I'll be here helping you train and become stronger. Oh and I guess protect you.

Since you're my niece I need you to be strong and MAJESTIC like ME. So, I'll be helping you in every way I can," I explained, Sylvie looking at me confused.

"Alright, I'm going to go get us some resources, while I'm not as strong as I can be, I can still kill a good amount of mana beasts inside the Beast Glades," I said, walking away from Sylvie, letting her go hunt for a bit.

I went around, looking for a dungeon to get some beast cores. I soon found a B rank dungeon. I didn't really care if there was a raid party coming to go in here, my niece needs some mana cores to get stronger, and she'll get them damn cores.

I went in and killed all the beast inside, most of them walking away in fear of me. I'm not even in my majestic adult wolf form, I look more like an adolescent wolf, but the amount of Aether that was leaking from me was enough to scare them.

I walked out with about eight C rank beast cores, and two B rank beast cores. I went and found my little niece, who was munching on another E rank beast.

"Hello there my little niece," I said, jumping down to her, scaring her again. "I got a little gift for you," I said, dropping the beast cores down on the ground, leaving them in front of my feet.

She didn't hesitate to go and jump on the cores, munching down the B rank cores first and eating the C rank ones after. She choked them down, making me wonder how the princess kept Sylvie with him and not have her stolen. I just introduced myself to her, you would think she would be a bit more careful before eating something that I'm giving her.

After she ate them you could tell she got stronger, but it wasn't much. For an Indrath you would think they would get stronger quicker then other mana beasts, but she seems to be the same strength as she was before.

"Alright, this will take longer than I expected to get you stronger. Since we have about two years, we should be able to get you to be able to speak out loud, but getting a human form will be almost impossible right now," I mumbled, looking at Sylvie, who was looking at me like I was her role model.

"Alright, I'm going to get you some more cores, as the quicker you can talk or at least communicate with me the better," I said, running away to go look for some more dungeons to raid.


Four months later:

"Alright, say uncle Regis" I said, looking down at Sylvie.

'Wncl Rgis,' She thought, looking at me with hope in her eyes, trying to mimic what I had said.

Over these past four months I learned that me and Sylvie can communicate to each other through both of our links to Arthur. I needed Arthur to be alive so that I could live. And her being bonded to him.

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