Chapter 73

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Elijah Knight:

I walked towards the Elder Rahdeas house. He had recently called me to return from adventuring, saying that he had someone he wanted me to meet. I was scared, not wanting it to be another potential suitor like Hagreth. Even thinking her name makes my skin shiver.

As I opened the door to Rahdeas house, the house I spent a large amount of my time in before leaving to become an adventurer in Xyrus. "Elder rahdeas, I've returned like you've asked of me," I pushed open the door to the house and looked around for Elder Rahdeas.

The house wasn't small like most would expect for a dwarven house. In fact they can fit a regular sized human. But not so much when it comes to those who are extra tall even for humans.

Looking around I didn't see much, only two chairs and table, along with a small desk beside the table that had a small ashtray on it.

"Cough, cough," I heard a faint cough coming from the kitchen area of the house. Elder Rahdeas didn't have a big house compared to other nobles, he said that he enjoyed the smaller house and that it is less of a responsibility to keep clean.

Walking over to the kitchen area of the house I saw Elder Rahdeas who was making some tea while a pipe was in his mouth. Noticing me he let out a small smile before walking towards me.

"Elijah, it's good to see you again!" Elder Rahdeas spoke in a rough voice, his teeth were partially black from the amount he smokes, but other than that he seems to be in good health which is good.

'It's good to see you again too, Elder Rahdeas," I smiled, as Elder Rahdeas brought me into a hug. While he was a little shorter than me it wasn't by much so I didn't need to crouch down.

"I'm glad you have come back. I was scared you were having too much fun in the Beast-Glades and being an adventurer," Rahdeas chuckled. He walked back over to the tea he was making and started to use a mortar and pestle to grind something up.

I pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. "So, how have you been while I wasn't here?" I asked, curious if he was in any pain. When I had first left I had helped him out with things around the house and tried to get him to stop smoking, though I had never succeeded.

"I've been fine, reading a lot and just sitting around. With my old body I can't do much," Elder Rahdeas laughed. I had tried to suppress a chuckle, but I couldn't, which ended up with me getting a dirty look from Elder Rahdeas.

"What, me being old and suffering is funny to you?" Elder Rahdeas asked, walking over and placing a cup of tea in front of me while he sat across from me. "No, just how you said it was funny to me," I said, grabbing the cup of tea and taking a sip. The tea was hot, but enjoyable, a nice taste, but it felt different from the tea Elder Rahdeas regularly makes, but I just chalked it up to not having his tea for so long.

"Whatever you say little brat," Elder Rahdeas grumbled, crossing his arms. I noticed that he didn't have any tea. Elder Rahdeas loved tea, so why didn't he make himself tea as well?

"Um, Elder Rahdeas, why didn't you make yourself some tea? I mean you love tea but you only made me some," I said, taking another sip from the tea he had given me while Elder Rahdeas seemed to be a bit annoyed at my questions.

"It doesn't matter to you, for now just finish your tea, I'm gonna go get some fresh air," Elder Rahdeas grumbled, getting up from his chair and walkling towards the door.

"Wait, why did you ca-" Elder Rahdeas had closed the door before I could ask why he had called me back. Letting out a sigh I grouched in my chair while thinking why he had called me back.

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