Chapter 70

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Caera Denoir:

"I guess I should properly aquant myself. It is good to meet you, Lady Caera of Highblood Denoir," Rinia said, my eyes widened in shock as I stared at this seemingly elder elf that knows I'm from Alacrya. "Judging by your reaction, Arthur didn't tell you of my powers before you came here. That little brat," Rinia said, I kept my guard up, ready to draw my sword at any time just in case something bad happens.

"Please, I do not wish to hurt you Lady Caera, I just simply wish to talk," Rinia smiled, while some would trust her words, I continued to make sure that all was alright.

"What do you wish to talk about?" I asked, my voice turning cold and serious as I fell back onto my high-blood teachings I received in the past timeline.

"Please, if we are going to talk I think it would be appropriate if all three of us were out here," I let out a light gasp, how did she know Regis was here? Quickly retrieving my emotions I contacted Regis. 'Come on out Regis, but please, do not say anything inappropriate,' I requested, but only received silence as Regis jumped out of my body and sat down on the floor beside me.

"Now, how do you know of me being a High-Blood?" I was impatient, but I was also confused. How does she know about things only Arthur and I know? She shouldn't know anything about Alacrya.

"Please, I'm a deviner, no one can hide anything from me," Rinia chuckled, pouring another cup of coffee. I was skeptical of accepting it, Rinia must've noticed this as well. "No worry, there isn't any poison in it," Rinia said, but it still didn't calm my nerves.

"So, there must be another reason for you wanting to talk to me other than you wanted to greet yourself formally," I said, taking a sip of the coffee. Rinia just gave me a small smirk before continuing. "You're correct, I want to talk to you about a couple of things and not just introduce myself," Rinia sighed.

"First, I want to thank you for being there for Arthur. While neither you or him may know this, you're the only reason he's stayed sane and happy. You've been with him even in his hardest times. From when he completely lost his bond, to when he told you his secret," Rinia let out a small happy smile. She looked towards Arthur who had Sylvie resting in his arms while he was fast asleep.

"Thank you elder Rinia, it means a lot to know that," I said, moving my hand closer to Arthurs.

"The second thing I wanted to talk about are the choices Arthur will make in the future. He will make choices that don't make sense, and no matter how hard you try to stop him from making these choices you won't be able to," As Rinia said this I felt a heavyweight weigh down my heart. What choices will Arthur make? Why can't I stop them?

Rinia then continued. "While you may not be able to stop him from making these choices, you are able to help him through them, making sure he doesn't change to how he used to be. Do you remember when you first met him in the Relictombs? He'll return to being like that, devoid of all love and emotions and just a killing machine," A cold shiver ran through my body when she said that, I felt like I was in that snow zone again. I remember how Arthur, or Grey used to be like. I don't want that part of Arthur to return, a part that signifies the pain and sorrow he has gone through.

"Am I able to know what kind of choices he'll make?" I asked, wanting to learn of any possible way to stop this from happening.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you that. All you must know is that you must make sure Arthur does not turn back into Grey. You must hope his love for you and your love for him will stop that from happening," Rinia said, her eyes starting to narrow while she placed down her cup of coffee.

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