Chapter 48

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***Two weeks later***

Arthur Leywin:

I was sitting in Gideon's class, listening to him teach while also having to deal with Emily geeking out about every little thing that happens in this class. 'Where is Regis when you need him?' I asked no one in particular.

'No worry papa, you got me, the majestic dragon instead,' Sylvie said, jumping on my desk, causing me to let out a sigh.

I tried to go back to paying attention to the class, but watching Gideon felt like time was moving slower than it did in the aether orb. I soon heard the flap of wings, causing me to turn my head to see the director's bond, flying through the window entering the room.

"Oh my, Arthur, what have you done to be called to the directors office twice in the first month of the academy? Should we be worried there is a delinquent on the Disciplinary Committee?" Gideon asked, acting scared.

"Think whatever you want ya crazy scientist," I said, walking out of the room; Sylvie jumping at the director's bond; trying to scratch him.

I walked through the halls of the academy, making my way towards the directors building. I saw some upperclassmen who seem to be preparing for their class as they start later in the day than the lower classmen.

I soon arrived at the directors office. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Come in," Cynthia's voice came from the other side of the door, causing me to open the door. Inside Cynthia was sitting at her desk. "Ah Arthur, I'm glad you came. I want to tell you somethings and check up on how your class is going," Cynthia smiled, signaling me to sit at the red cushioned chair in front of her desk.

I sat down in the chair and Cynthia started to rummage through one of the draws in her desk. She then pulled out what looked like a key. It wasn't anything special, it was just a key.

"First off, I would like to say your class seems to be doing well. While your students haven't improved, you can tell with a sharp enough eye that their mana cores are becoming more stable," Cynthia smiled.

"Thank you for the praise director," I said, causing Cynthia to start laughing.

"I never would've thought you could be polite," Cynthia laughed, causing me to scratch the back of my head chuckling lightly. "Anyways, your class has some potential in it, so for them to bloom properly you would need to make proper planning for when they all assimilate. While you could do it in your own dorm room, you do have one of your students in the same dorm room," Cynthia said. I didn't really understand what she was getting at here. I was confused, why is she bringing this up? She didn't in the last timeline.

"So, I did some looking around wondering if I had a place where you could prepare your lessons peacefully, without the stress of your student figuring out the lesson plans. I ended up finding that we had a spare office in the academy that hasn't been touched for a long time, and I thought it would be a good place to give you," Cynthia finished, sliding the key on the desk over to me. I was confused by this gesture. Sure it would be more helpful, but wouldn't it be better to give it to a full time professor.

"Not trying to sound rude or disrespectful,but wouldn't it be better to give this office to a full time professor instead of me, a student of this academy?" I asked, not sure if I could accept the office, as it could cause turmoil with the other professors who may not have an office.

"Do not worry Arthur my dear, every other teacher has an office, just some don't use it as much as others. Plus the one I'll be giving you is most likely filled with dust, so you'll need to clean it before you'll be able to use it," Cynthia said, causing me to nod and pick up the key off the table.

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