Chapter 42

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Arthur Leywin:

"Was there something you needed from me, Director?"

"Arthur, how many times have I told you to call me Cynthia?" Cynthia said, taking a sip from a cup of team that she had on her desk.

"I don't think it would be appropriate for a first year child with no noble background to call the Director of the esteemed Xyrus Academy by her first name," I said, chuckling inside my mind, remembering the little fights we would have like this.

"I guess you do have a point," Cynthia chuckled. "Now, onto the reason I brought you here. Giest has been dismissed from the school," Cynthia said, placing down her cup of tea.

"Oh, I guess he wasn't teacher material," I chuckled, leaning back a bit.

"Yes, we have already arranged another teacher to take his place," Cynthia said, causing my eyes to widen.

"Is that the only reason you brought me in here?" I asked, not really understanding the reason as to why I am here.

"No. See the reason I had called you down is that there is an increase in the number of students who have just recently attained beast-wills. Would you know anything about that?" Cynthia asked, already cracking down on the reason for that.

"I guess you could say that, but why do you want to know?" I asked, trying to figure out where the old bat was going with this.

"Well, since so many of them aren't even assimilated, I thought that you could teach a beast-will class. Teach the newer students how to use their beast-wills and how to become one with them," Cynthia said, a smile formed on her face. She seemed to be laughing at my predicament.

"Who would be in this class?" I asked, wondering who else would have a beast-will.

"Glad you asked, in your class there would be: Feyrith Ivysaur the third, Claire Bladeheart and Tessia Eralith," Cynthia said, placing down the list of names and folders of the students.

"I'll teach the class if you add Caera. She had recently obtained a new beast-will that had merged with her former one. She now needs to assimilate her beast-will, which has become more of a problem due to it not completely cooperating with her body," I explained, getting a small nod from the director.

"You seem to be quite close to this Caera girl, is there possibly something going on between the two of you?" Cynthia asked, an amused smirk on her face, while I kept myself composed. Being a former king has a lot of perks when negotiating.

"Director? Are you interested in students' love lives? I don't think that is very professional," I said, but only got an amused smirk from Cynthia.

"When did I say I was interested in students' love lives? I only asked if there was something between the two of you," Cynthia smirked, catching the mess up in word choices I used.

'She got you there papa,' Sylvie laughed.

"It doesn't matter anyways. But I do have another question. When did Tess get a beast-will?" I asked, remembering that she only got one when I had given her the Elderwood guardian beast core.

"Her grandfather, Virion, had an expedition sent out to get Tessia a beast-will. He had ended up getting her an AA-rank wind Wyvern beast-will," Cynthia explained, causing me to nod.

'So that must have been the reason we saw Aya. And that Wind Wyvern they fought must've had a beast-will,' I thought, remembering that day we had found the Djinn lab.

"Alright, you should head back to class, you don't want to be late to your next class," Cynthia chuckled, looking over at the clock I saw that third period was almost over.

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