Chapter 69

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Caera Denoir:

Once Tessia had gotten her clothes back on we went back down to where Arthur and the others were. Once we arrived we saw that they were having a regular talk. Once they noticed us they seemed to notice Tessia's bright happy smile. They seemed to be shocked by that.

"Good, you two are back? So, what was wrong with Tessia back?" Virion asked, his eyes watching as Tessia seemed to be more happy than she was before and had a brighter, more genuine smile. "It was nothing much Elder Virion, it just seemed some mana had imprinted on her back, causing her to have an odd emotional swing," I explained, getting a nod from Virion while he seemed to be happy with how Tessia is acting.

"Now that we have the problems sorted out, Rinia had invited us to her house and wanted everyone to visit, including the Leywin's and Caera," Elder Virion said, shocking me and the others. How did this Rinia know where we were here? Does she have something that can watch us?

Arthur, most likely noticing my confusion, walked over to me and leaned in close to my ear. "She has some interesting abilities. You'll learn more about them once we meet her," Arthur whispered, I just gave him a nod while I continued to wonder what made this Rinia person so special and interesting?

"Why does she also want us to come? Wouldn't it be better if we all returned home?" Alice asked, her hands slightly trembling. Merial gave her a soft look before walking over to Alice and grabbing her hands. "Don't worry Alice, Rinia is a kind person. She most likely wants you to come to meet you. Arthur did leave quite an impression on her," Merial said, calming down Alice. Meanwhile, Virion called over two carriages.

Once the doors were open Ellie rushed into one, pulling both Tessia and I with her. Alice and Rey came with us, leaving Arthur to go with Merial, Alduin and Virion.

Once inside the carriage we all started to talk and while we were talking I heard Regis inside my mind. "Oh, today

has been a great day. First I got to see some Elven peaches," As I heard him say this I wanted to drag him out and kill him, but I couldn't because he was safe and hidden inside my body and there was nothing I could do to get him out of there.

"So, what was the reason you and princess Tessia took so long to get back?" Ellie asked, looking at both Tessia and I trying to get some answers. "Princess Tessia had fallen unconscious when the mana on her spin was removed, this caused us to need to wait for her to wake up to return," I said, Tessia seemed to be uncomfortable with the question. At first I didn't know why until I remembered that she was sorta naked for a short while. But I don't see the problem in that, we are both girls and it's not like she's into the other gender. I mean, she just spent almost ten months trying to get with Arthur.

"You can call me Tess. I don't really like to be called princess Tessia," Tessia said, Ellie's face lit up in joy while I looked at her confused. Why was she so comfortable with us now? What made her so comfortable with us so quickly?

"Alright Tess, who is this Rinia person?" Ellie asked, looking at Tess seemingly interested in who this person was. Alice and Reynolds also seemed to be interested with both of them also looking towards Tess. "Grandma Rinia is well, my grandmother. But grandpa says that you can never hide anything from her," Tess said, not really giving us much on who she was other than that Tess viewed her as her grandmother.

We soon made it to an area where we couldn't continue in the carriages and needed to walk the rest of the way. Once out I walked over to Arthur who seemed to be in a good mood. Sylvie had jumped off Arthurs head and started to run around hunting the beasts. I stood there just watching Sylvie, she seemed to be having a fun time, jumping around and killing small animals and eating them for their meat.

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