Chapter 57

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Arthur Leywin:

"Congrats Feyfey, you've assimilated with your Beast-Will," I smiled, helping my rival up. "Now it's time for you to learn how to use it," I said, a devious smile appeared on my face, sending a shiver up Feyfey's spin.

"What do you need me to do?" Feyfey asked, looking at me with determination. "I need you to activate your first phase. It shouldn't be that hard. Just do what you did when you were assimilating with your will and you should be fine," I said, patting his back while walking over to my rock and sitting back down.

I watched as Feyfey started to concentrate on using his first phase. With two of them assimilated I can have them spar against each other, trying to stay in their first phase for as long as possible.

It didn't take that long for Feyfey to understand how his will worked. Activating his first phase. He had blue runes under his eyes and on his forehead. They went down his arms, shining bright blue lille the water serpents scales.

"Good work Feyfey, you're a natural at it," I complimented him. "Now, do you have the file on the beast you received your Beast-Will from?" I asked, getting a nod from him while he pulled out the file from his ring.

"Great, I want you to learn one of the moves in the file, more specifically this one. Oceans Depth," I said, pointing towards the move. He looked at how the move was and realized it was a better version of his water terrain spell.

"This shouldn't take me that long. If it's a terrain spell I would assume it would have a similar process to how my water terrain spell works," Feyfey commented, sitting down in a meditative pose.

"Alright, you have fun trying to figure that out," I chuckled, turning around to watch both Claire and Feyfey training their Beast-Wills.

I then heard the door open to the room. Looking over I saw Caera walking in the room. "Where have you been? You know, I can give you detention for being late," I said, walking over to Caera. Caera looked at me confused, most likely not expecting that.

"So, how'd it go meeting with Sevren?" I asked, causing her to sigh. "It was interesting, yeah interesting, let's go with that," Caera said, causing me to let out a light laugh. "Alright, get to assimilating, Feyfey just assimilated, and you're late, so hurry up," I said, Caera rolled her eyes before walking over to a spot and sat down in a meditative pose.

I walked over and started to check her progress. But much to my displeasure, she was only just reaching the halfway point. Caera still has so much more to go. But it's understandable why it's taking this long. She is assimilating with an Aether-Will, not a regular Beast-Will. There is no telling what could truly happen.

Getting up, I walked over to Tess to check her progress. She seemed to have made a lot more progress than Caera has. She is only about six weeks away from assimilating completely with the Wind Wyvern Beast-Will. It's good, she'll also be able to train with the others.

Walking back over to my rock. I returned my attention back to Claire. Who seemed to be right on the edge of learning the ability she is receiving from the Fire Pixie. It is impressive how fast she is learning it. I guess I really did make the right choice for who to give the Beast-Wills to.

Looking over to Feyfey, he seems to be taking a different approach to the idea of the Beast-Will. Instead of just trying to learn it himself, he seems to be trying to learn it from the beast itself, As if he's trying to learn from the memory the Will is giving him. It's definitely the better way of approaching it compared to Claire's idea. But in the end they both lead to the same end goal.

I had a smile on my face. I was confused as to why at first. But thinking about it, the smile made sense. This was a new chance where I can change things. I've made it better chance for survival for both Claire and Feyfey, giving them the ability to use Beast-Wills. I've given tips to help Feyfeys' battle strategies, making him better suited to lead battalions.

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