Chapter 45

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Seris Vritra:

I was walking through Agrona's castle. He had called the Scythes for a meeting for the details on the upcoming war. While walking through the palace my mind went towards Sevren.


I was in the field that I used to train Caera in. Sevren was also in the field along with me. It has been a year since I told him I was going to train him to become a Retainer. Over this time Sevren's improvement has been astonishing.

While Sevren wasn't a prodigy he was a hard worker. On many occasions he has been out training hours before we would regularly train. He was definitely more of a long range fighter, his gadgets and weapons he calls mana guns have shown that. But that doesn't mean he neglected his hand to hand combat. His ability with his dagger is quite impressive. At the strength he was at know he would most likely beat some Retainers. In the end I would out him dead center in the middle in strength.

"Sevren, I think it's time that you take on my Retainer," I said, walking towards the now shocked Sevren.

"Are you sure that I can take on a Retainer?" Sevren asked, looking at me with a worried and excited look.

"While not all of them, but I do believe that right now you can take on my Retainer," I said, pulling something out of my Dimension ring. It was an artifact that allows me to contact someone so that they can come to me as soon as possible. All Scythes were given it so that they can contact their personal Retainers.

Not long after Cylrit appeared beside me down on one knee. "I'm at your service, Scythe Seris,"

"Cylrit, I have a Retainer candidate in front of me. I want the two of you to fight. Though do not kill him, understand?" I said, releasing some of my aura, causing the ground around us to start shaking.

"Understand, Scythe Seris," Cylrit said, standing up and walking towards Sevren.

END FLASHBACK (Yes, I'm doing this)

I was cut from my thoughts when I saw someone walking through the halls going towards Agrona's office. "You there, what are you doing in the castle?"

"I was sent by Draneeve to deliver a letter to the High Sovereign," They said, their legs shaking in fear.

"I'll deliver the message, you return to your post," I demanded, taking the letter from his hands. Once he had left I started to read the content within the letter. Once I finished it my body was trembling.

"S-She's alive," I said, tears following down the side of my face.

Caera Denoir:

I was walking to the infirmary. Each step I felt more dread, the guilt of what I had done to Arthur piling up each step. I was the reason he was here. I couldn't control my core. I couldn't keep Regis' will in check. That was the reason that purple lightning was shot out and hurt Arthur.

As I approached the door to Arthur's infirmary room I saw the Eralith family. As I approached the door to enter the room the king of the elves, Alduin Eralith placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry little girl, you can come back later to see Arthur. We have some important things to talk to him about," Aldduin smiled, removing his hand from my shoulder.

I was annoyed that I couldn't go see Arthur and apologize, but I gave a slight nod and turned around to leave. While I was leaving I felt Tessia killing intent, but it was something to scoff at.

I went for a walk around the campus, trying to familiarize myself with the surrounding campus.

After a while I turned around to go back to the infirmary to go see Arthur. I got to the door to the infirmary room Arthur was inside. Once I opened the door I saw Tessia and Arthur kissing. Arthur seemed to notice me, but when he did he moved his mouth, as if he was trying to deepen the kiss.

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