Chapter 44

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Arthur Leywin:

I opened my eyes, I felt a jolt of pain run through my body, my back searing as if it was being dangled over a pit of lava and the jump in the lava pool was burning my back off. Which is not a feeling I was expecting to feel again. (He does have experience with lava)

Lacking the strength to scream, I gripped the sheets of the bed I was laying on while gritting my teeth. 'Fuck, why didn't I learn how to make anesthesia?'

After a few moments of adjusting to the agony I was in, I feebly turned my head ti see Sylvie sleeping next to me.

"How are you feeling, Arthur?" Cynthia asked, her voice coming from the other side of the bed.

Not wanting to go through the pain of tilting my head again I respond, "Peachy, I feel like I just got out of a lava pool."

"If you have the will to answer sarcastically I'm sure you'll be fine," Cynthia chuckled.

"How's Tessia? Was it her beast-will that caused problems?" I asked, wondering why an AA class beast-will was causing her so much problems.

"She's faring better than you. And yes, it was her beast-will that was giving her problems. She had prematurely absorbed the will. She was supposed to wait for you to start teaching you beast-will class," Cynthia said, clicking her tongue.

"That doesn't sound like her. Did she have a reason for prematurely absorbing the will?" I asked, sucking up the pain to look over to where Cynthia was.

'Thank the Djinn for this draconic body.'

"I don't know the full reasons for why she absorbed the will early. But I will tell you if I figure out why," Cynthia said, walking towards the door of the infirmary room.

"I've contacted your family and they should be here soon," Cynthia smiled, opening the door to the room. "And thank you, thank you for saving Tessia," Cynthia added, closing the door, leaving just me inside.


Sylvie licking my cheek stirred me from sleep some time later. 'Papa, are you feeling better now?'

"Honey, Art's awake," I heard a voice to my left say. My mother.

I ignored the pain and turned my head. "Hey Mom, when did you guys get here?" I gave her the best smile I could muster.

"Are you okay? Director Goodsky hasn't told us exactly what happened yet. How did you get hurt so badly on the first day of school?" I could tell she wanted to hug me but she held herself back. I was obviously not in the best state for that. Instead, she used a damp rag to wipe away the sweat dripping from my face, and I realized I was drenched.

My sister leaned forward from the other side of the bed. "Brother! Are you okay? Does it hurt?" My eyes widened in horror as she raised a hand to start probing me, but before she was able to touch me, Mother pulled her hand back.

"You're already getting into fights, Son?" my father asked, smirking.

"You should see what the other guy looks like." I managed a grin, making him laugh.

My mother gasped-she seemed to have taken me seriously and was perhaps actually imagining what the other person must look like.

"He's only joking, Mrs. Leywin." Director Goodsky came into the room accompanied by the entire Eralith family-including Tess, who was looking much better.

"This-" My father took a step back in surprise as my mother gasped, covering her mouth.

"Pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Mr. and Mrs. Leywin." Alduin Eralith, Tessia's father and the former king of Elenoir, grabbed my stunned father's hand and shook it.

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