chapter 4

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As the white light enveloped our bodies, blinding us. Soon everything turned dark like I had fallen into a deep slumber and all I could see was the darkness of an endless void. Then a light appeared at the end of the darkness 'No, I don't want to reincarnate again, I enjoyed this world, let me stay' I tried to fight back, but to no avail I continued to go toward the light.

As I went through the light my eyes started to open. I looked around, feeling that I was in a room familiar to me. It was the room I had in Helstea's mansion. 'Is this a dream? Why am I here? Did I go back in time? Did Caera and Regis also come back?' I questioned myself not understanding what was going on.

'No worry princess I'm still here I heard Regis's voice in my mind signifying he was still with me.

'That's good to hear,' I told him back.


I looked up to see a girl with navy blue hair, and ruby-red eyes who looked to be about the same age as me appear right above me. She felt familiar, but before I could figure out who she was she fell directly on top of me, her hands landing beside my head and her hair falling around our heads, which were separated by only an inch. I felt my face start to burn up, while hers also seemed to turn bright red like a tomato.

"Caera?" I asked, getting a better look at her and seeing the familiarities between the two of them.

"Arthur?" asked Caera, most likely also noticing some similarities of my future self.

"Yup, but could you get off me?" I asked, still feeling my face burning up as if I was out in the sun for hours.

"Oh, sorry," She yelped, jumping off me, still flustered about what just happened. "So, where are we?" Caera asked, looking around my old room, most likely wondering if we were In Alacrya or Dicathen.

"We're in my old room at the Helstea's mansion in Xyrus city," I mumbled. "Wait, how old are you?" I asked, trying to figure out where in time we appeared as we were around the same age, maybe only a three or four months difference.

"From what I could tell looking at my body I probably just turned nine years of age," She sounded disappointed like she had lost something she had cared for deeply, which confused me as to what she could've lost since we both had so much stuff on us.

'She lost her tits dummy,' Regis cried inside my mind like he had lost the one and only thing he cared for.

"Okay, we're probably close to around the time of the auction house if your guess is right," I mumbled, choosing to ignore Regis's comment. "Wait, Sylvie!" I yelled running over to my bed checking to see if she was there. I saw a baby dragon on my bed, my daughter still fast asleep.

"Sylvie," I said, picking her up and crying tears of joy upon seeing my daughter still alive.

"Kyu!" She kyu'd at me, scratching my face, releasing her from my grasp and falling back to sleep on my bed.

"Arthur, who is that?" Caera asked, fawning over Sylvie like she was the most precious and cutest thing in the world.

"She's my daughter that I told you about," I said, whipping tears from my eyes, while Regis was laughing hysterically at what she had done to me.

*Knock knock knock*

"Wake up big brother!" I heard Ellie yell while about to open the door, but I was able to get there and stop it before she did.

"I'll be down in a bit," I yelled to Ellie, causing her to leave.

"Alright, this is going to be difficult, but first, how did you get here? Shouldn't you be in Alacrya?" I was confused as to how she just poofed here into my room.

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