Chapter 76

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Caera Denoir:
After leaving the room where Arthur had told his parents the truth I started to run around, looking for Arthur. He wasn't inside the Helstea manor and I couldn't sense his presence.
'Regis, do you know where Arthur went?' I asked, hoping he would have the slightest idea. 'Possibly, it has been a while but I remember one spot specifically. It's a large tree. He would go there to clear his mind when he was stressed.'
'Where is this tree? Is it in the Beast-Glades?' I asked, trying to find Arthur before he does anything he'll regret, or revert to how he used to be. 'No, it's in the forest behind the helstea estate. I would assume he is in there.'
Turning around from where I was I sent mana throughout my body and burst off. Running through the Helstea estate, the guards, butlers, and maids getting blown back from the wind that was gathering behind me as I ran past them.
Making it into the forest I start to run around, looking for anything that'll show me the path Arthur took. Stopping in a large clearing, looking around trying to find where Arthur was. 'Follow me, I remember the path!'
Regis jumped out of my body and started to run through the forest, leading me towards Arthur. Running through the forest, following behind my bond we soon approached a large tree. At the base of the tree was Arthur.
Arthur was sitting there, curled up in a ball. His arms wrapped around his legs, his knees on his forehead as small sounds were coming from him. Sounds of crying.
Walking over to him and crouched down in front of him. Arthur didn't move and stayed in the same position. Before I could say anything I heard something come from Arthur. "Caera, you should leave me. They are right. I'm just a monster."
I felt my heart break. How. How could they hurt Arthur this much? He was always kind and smiling. Why? Why did this happen?
'Arthur... don't listen to them. You are not a monster. You're the kindest, happiest person I've ever met. Don't let their words get to you. They. They just don't understand. They can't take in the information you've told them and this was the only way they thought to react. Please, please don't return to how you were. Don't return to King Grey."
Tears were flowing from my eyes. I couldn't stand looking at someone I love so much look like this. It hurt. It hurt to just see Arthur like this. I don't know how he feels, but I know it's a lot more from how much I'm hurt.
"Why? Why are you with me? You know I'm almost twice your age. You know that I'm from another world. What reason do you have to be with me?" Arthur's voice was ragged, streams of tears running down the side of his face. His eyes have no emotion, reminding me of how he was when we first met.
"Because I love you. I don't care if you're from another world. I don't care if you are mentally twice my age. I don't care about any of those things. I love you because of who you are. I love you because of how you act. I love you because you make me feel safe and happy. You give me a warmth I felt with no one else other than you. You're the only person that'll ever make me feel like that." I yelled, reaching out and pulling Arthur into a hug. Trying to get him to not change. Trying to keep him the same as he was.
"Arthur, do you remember what I said when we first started dating?" I asked, looking at Arthur as he gave me a small nod. "I said. I don't care if you're some king from another world, right now you're Arthur Leywin." As I said that I saw some light appear in Arthur's eyes. I saw a little ray of light in his eyes.
"I had also said. You've shown me that you're not King Grey anymore. You said HE didn't have any emotions, but YOU do. That's what separates you from King Grey," As I said those words his eyes started to fill with light. Returning to his normal light blue with golden dots.
I removed my arms from Arthur as he started to get up from the ground. Looking at him as he seemed to start reverting to his normal self. The person I had fallen in love with.

"Thank you Caera. Thank you for helping me realize who I truly was," Arthur said, giving me a large hug. Being in his arms gave me warmth. The warmth that I never want to leave me.

"D-D-Don't c-c-change, papa," A small tiny voice came from below us. Looking around we couldn't see who had said it. Or it seemed I couldn't figure out who said it. Arthur was looking towards Sylvie, who was standing below us, looking up at us with tears in her eyes.

"S-Sylvie, you can speak!" Arthur yelled, Sylvie, letting out a small kyu before jumping up into Arthur's arms. Sylvie jumped up from Arthur's arms onto his head as she let out another small kyu of happiness.

"Papa won't change, wright?" Sylvie slurred her words, looking down at Arthur who had reached his hand up and started to scratch her chin.

"No. I promise Sylvie. I won't change," Arthur smiled, Sylvie letting out another kyu of happiness as she jumped over to me and landed in my arms.

"Thank you, mama. Thank you for making sure papa stays the same," I looked at Sylvie shocked. Not sure how to comprehend what she had just said. Looking over towards Arthur who just chuckled at my expression.

"I guess I never told you. But Sylvie treats you as her mother," Arthur chuckled, Sylvie, letting out another kyu while I just held her in my arms. I felt a slight amount of tears welling up in my eyes as I looked down at Sylvie. I couldn't help but tighten my grim as I pulled her into a deep hug.

"Thank you Sylvie for considering me your mother," I cried, Arthur, letting out a small chuckle while Sylvie let out another kyu.

"Alright, now what should we do now?" I asked, clearing the tears away from my eyes as I looked at Arthur who seemed to be in deep thought.

"Well, the war should start soon. Well, at least it did start in around two, or three years from now. While we may have made friends at the academy. I think we should go into isolated training. We need to get stronger. You're still not that close to assimilating and we need to stand on the level of the Scythes by the time the war starts. As if not, Dicathen won't stand a chance," Arthur explained his hand on his chin as he continued to think about what we should do.

"Is that the best idea? Sure, training together for a long period of time will be useful, but without resources, I don't think we can accomplish that in this short of time," I pointed out. Arthur letting out a sigh as he tried to think of other ways we could do this.

Arthur started to pace side to side. Thinking about what we can do. After a couple of minutes, his eyes lit up. "That's it!"

"Umm, you may know what that's it, is. We don't. So unless you're leaving us I would suggest you tell us," Regis pointed out, looking at Arthur as if he was an idiot.

"If you had let me finish!" Arthur yelled. Regis just gave him a stupid look as he had his tongue out and his tail wagging as if he was a little puppy.

"So. Remember the Djinn lab we had found?" Arthur asked. I gave him a small nod. Not really knowing where this was going to go. "Well, there I found four books there. I've been translating them into our text and I have just finished one of them. I think if we go there we could get some answers," Arthur explained, a large smile on his face.
"I guess we're going there. But first, I think we should return to Xyrus academy and grab our things and say goodbye," I said, getting a small nod from Arthur. "Then let's go," Arthur said, grabbing my hand as we started to walk to Xyrus academy.


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