Chapter 83

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A/N: I'm back! Sorry I was gone for two weeks. No, TFB isn't going to be dropped.

I had to end the daily update streak. And sorry to break it, but I won't be continuing it. Updates Will for now only be on saturday.

Also, the reason I was gone was due to the mental strain of writing each chapter on the day it was supposed to be updated. The decrease in chapter quality and my own unhappiness with the future plans of this story.

Arthur Leywin:

"Elethia?" Caera sounded out the name on the map, her voice confused as she reached her hands out to the map trying to get a better look at the map Regis had found. "Arthur, what is Elethia?"

"Well, looking at the map it seems to be a city of the Djinn. But Elethia also means healing," I mumbled my hands trashing the old worn down map, the creases feeling like little bumps on my skin.

"Wait, why healing? That doesn't make sense with the knowledge of Aether you and I have found over our times in the Relictombs, there is no branch of Aether that is healing," Regis pointed out, his voice annoyed the more we looked at the worn down map in my hands.

"You would be right. But the Vivum gene was originally known as the branch of healing to the Indrath and most likely the Djinn as well," I pointed out. I could feel Caera confusion as her head just continued to look between Regis and I.

"What are you two talking about?" Caera asked, shaking her head as looked at us confused.

"Well my pretty horned lady, Aether has three branches. Vivum, Aevum and Spatium. Each branch holds a different aspect of the world around us. Spatium being the Aether gene of space, Aevum being the Aether gene of time, and Vivum being the Aether gene of existence. But originally, Vivum was known as the Aether gene of healing. But the Djinn had discovered that Vivum wasn't the gene of healing, but existence," Regis explained, an uncharacteristic charm in his voice as he looked at Caera with a toothy grin.

Letting out a small sigh at the asuran weapons tone of voice, I started to roll up the worn down map, giving off small crackles like a bond fire would, then placed the now rolled up map back into the conister it came in.

"Alright, I'm still confused. Sure, the uncharacteristic explanation from the shadow pup gave some clarity but I still don't understand most of what you two were saying," Caera voiced out, looking over at Regis and I.

"Aether is hard to explain and understand. I don't have a good way to explain it to you. With all the research I have into the essence of Aether I still barely have a scratch the Djinn or Indrath had," I said, placing my hand under my chin as I thought of a way to properly explain the topic.

The ground around us started to rumble and my balance started to falter as I stumbled over my own feet. Small rocks could be heard slamming against the ground as cracks started to form on the walls around us.

"Papa, mama, what's going on?" Sylvie asked, jumping up onto Regis' head, avoiding a rock that was going to land on her.

"The Council's scientists have decided to dig through the side of the mountain!" I yelled, looking over towards the area where the cracks were originating from. "Sylvie, turn into your dragon form and take us out of here," I ordered, Sylvie jumping off Regis' head and being enveloped in a golden shine. Her black scales came into view and her large darken wings covered in black feathers.

Regis jumped into Caera's body as I jumped onto Sylvie's back. Looking over to Caera I reached my hand out for her to grab. Looking into her eyes she seemed hesitant but still took my hand. Hoisting her up I sat her down in front of me.

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