Chapter 17

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I was smushed by two huge pillows that were suffocating me. "Oh, it's been so long. How have you been?" A voice came from the creek beyond the pillows.

"Help me." I mumbled, trying to fight for my life and escape this pillowy death.

"Oh, I'm sorry," The voice past the pillows said, letting me see the light and not die from the lack of oxygen.

"Oh, you look so cute too," Angela squealed, jumping at Caera and smothering her as well.

"Angela you're going to kill her, put her down," Durden said, patting Angela's shoulder to get her attention. She let Caera out of her grasp, allowing her to breathe.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked, looking at Helen and Jasmine, who were hugging.

"For the dungeon, you guys joined our raid, we thought you would've known," Adam said, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world and that I'm an idiot for not knowing. "Did you not look at the raid members?" Adam continued, causing me to whistling innocently.

"Well, no, I didn't really look," I muttered, scratching the back of my head.

"I told you to check it and you didn't?" Jasmine said, while Caera walked up and hit me in the back of the head.

"Yeah," I quietly said, putting my head down, while Jasmine started to berate me on how dangerous that was.

"Jasmine, when did you start showing so many emotions?" Helen gasped, while the rest of the twin horns looked like they had seen a ghost. Jasmine started to avoid eye contact with them, while me and Caera got an idea and with a single glance both of us knew what to do.

"Yeah I know right. Ever since she met HIM she's been showing more emotions, it's kind of weird," Caera teased, causing all the twin horns to gasp again, while Jasmine started to glare daggers at Caera and I.

"Oh, and who is this HIM?" Helen asked, with some concern and excitement in her voice, like a mother would when they learn their kid finally started to date.

"Um, well it's just someone I met a couple months ago," Jasmine said, looking away from them and scratching her arms.

"So it's a crush?" Adam asked.

"Oh no, there is no way this is just a crush. Those two are in love," I laughed, while dumping hundreds of letters that Bairon had sent on the ground.

"AHH!" Jasmine screamed, running over to the letters and picking them up then brushing off any dirt that got on them.

"That's a lot of letters, how many letters do they send a week?" Helen asked, as she opened one of the letters and started to read the context of it, much to Jasmine's displeasure.

"I didn't really keep count, but around five to eight letters a week," I chuckled while I saw that Helen placed her hand on her mouth while reading one of the letters.

"Jasmine, these are some serious letters. Who is he?" She asked, while giving back the letter.

"Um, well, his name is Bairon," She mumbled, so that we wouldn't hear her, but she didn't really do a good job.

"So his name is Bairon, we'll need to meet him one day," Helen said, putting the last of the letters away and giving Jasmine the bag back.

"Can we get back to the dungeon? I know this is really nice, but if we don't hurry up we will lose our reservation," said Adam, causing us to stop teasing Jasmine and get ready.

"Yeah, he's got a point. So do we want to do introductions or just go straight in?" I asked, causing them all the chuckle.

"Actually, I want to know how strong you guys are, so let's do mini introductions," Durden said, while the rest of us nodded.

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