Chapter 15

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Once they were done collecting the beast core for the Ocean Crab, they had noticed Dworkin was gone. I had just said that he was crushed by a lot of rocks when the Ocean Crab attacked Ruby. Renaldo tried to fetch his body from the rocks, but we told him to quit wasting his time and he just gave up.

Caera was still unconscious so she didn't know that bastard tried to get a peak at her. Renaldo had asked why she had a cover over her and I had just said that she got knocked out and felt that I wanted something comfortable on her.

We waited for a bit waiting for her to wake up. Renaldo walked around the room and looked for a way to continue on this dungeon, while Jasmine and I waited beside Caera for her to wake up.

"Look at this," I said, handing Jasmine Dworkin's adventure bronze adventure licence.

"How do you have this?" She asked, looking at me with eyes like an older sister would have when she is trying to get dirt on her younger siblings.

"He was trying to get a peak at Caera. After she got hit by the crabs claw it had burnt off some of her clothes. He had tried to remove the cover off her and from what he had told me, was planning on doing something with her," I told her, my voice lowering to almost a whisper while I was also releasing some of my mana, but not enough for Renaldo to feel it.

"So you killed him?" She asked, only receiving a slight nod from me in confirmation. "So he wasn't A rank like you had said, and it seems his licence was revoked. Do you think that Renaldo is the same?" She asked, looking at me with a questioning gaze.

"I'm not exactly sure, but with how he has been reacting to everything we see, he's most likely also not an A rank, but if his licence has been revoked, I don't know," I said, returning my attention back to the sleeping Caera who still had her mask on so I couldn't see her face.

"Jasmine, you stay here and watch Caera. I'm gonna go and get our supplies and a spare set of clothes for her. If she wakes up before I return, make sure she doesn't remove the cover, we don't know if the other guy is like Dworkin," I said, getting up from the ground and waking over to the entrance of this room.

"Yeah, I'll make sure she doesn't move," Jasmine said.

"Hey! Where is he going?" Renaldo yelled, pointing his wand at me.

"I'm going to grab our supplies, she hasn't woken up yet, so we'll be resting her for a while," I said, leaving the area.

I soon made it up to the front of the dungeon where our stuff was. Nothing seemed to have been touched or robbed. In my old world this stuff would've been gone the second we left, but here we can trust people not to take our stuff. I made sure Caera had packed spare clothes, as if she didn't we would have a problem.

I swung both backpacks over my back and started to make my way back down to where we killed the Ocean Crab. Once I made it back, I saw that Caera was still yet to wake so I sat down beside Jasmine and waited for her to wake up.

"So, why are you running your hands through Caera's hair?" Jasmine teased, pointing out that I was doing that, even though I didn't even know I was doing it.

"Um," I said, trying to make an excuse on why I was doing it, even though I don't even know why I was doing it. "That's confidential," I said, while I continued to run my hand through Caera's hair while Jasmine laughed at me.

I started to notice how soft her hair was, sure I brush it everyday, but I never really noticed how soft it was, it was almost like my hand was running through silk. 'How is her bead head so bad?' I thought.

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