Chapter 85

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Alright, so I'm back. I'll try and update on Tuesdays, won't promise it will happen but I'll try.  Also, THANKS FOR 100K reads!  two or three months late! And we're now close to half way of 200K. Damn. Anyways thank you Iron and Grey for beta reading TFB. Now, to da chapter!


Arthur Leywin

"Wa- what's going on?"

I moved my head side to side looking for anything; light, water, Sylvie, Caera. Instead of seeing them, all I could see was a void. A voice that held nothing. No light and no wind, just never-ending darkness. Even with no wind, a cold chill crawled up my skin, the tiny hairs on my body standing up.

"Where am I?"

I tried to move my legs, but I couldn't, the muscles in my legs didn't respond to my wishes, they felt as if they were connected to chains weighed down by mountains.

I tried to let out a mana pulse and warm up my body with the mana, but I couldn't. Trying to sense my mana core expecting to see my initial silver core, but instead, I was met with nothing.

There was no mana core, there was nothing where my mana core was, just cold darkness--an abyss that never ends.

"Sylvie!" I tried to yell out, but nothing had left my mouth--no sound. Reaching up to my throat, I tried to see if there was something wrong with it, but it was completely fine, there were no holes or anything that would feel like a wound. It was a perfectly fine neck; my neck.

I tried to let out another yell, but it ended with the same result, nothing came out.

As time moved on in this darkness, I started to lose feeling in my fingers and toes. My arms and legs started to go numb. My eyelids started to get heavier as I found it increasingly difficult to keep them open at all times. Then, a large weight hit my chest, my breaths started to take more effort, the crushing feeling of my chest not letting anything escape my mouth.


'What was that?' I looked around, trying to find the source of those words, looking around for anything that might tell me where that sound came from.


'HELP!' I tried to yell out only for it to fail to make it out of my mouth.

"ARTHUR! WAKE UP!" A voice yelled. The darkness around me dissipated as a bright light took its place, and my body started to heat up, the numb feeling leaving my body being replaced by a comforting warmth.

The bright light started to die out, the trees coming into view along with the clear blue sky. "Finally, it took you long enough to wake up. I thought I was going to need to throw you into the river," Caera said, standing over me as her right eye twitched and a small frown graced her face.

"Ugh, sorry, I had a bad dream," I muttered, trying to push myself up only to feel a weight on my chest. Looking down, I saw Sylvie laying on my chest, still fast asleep.

"Well, I hope for your sake that you can get ready in a couple of minutes as we're already late as it is," Caera said before turning around and walking over to where our stuff was. When we went to sleep last night, everything was unpacked, but now everything was all packed up and put into a pile.

"What time is it?" I asked before picking Sylvie up and placing her on top of Regis' head who was standing beside me looking at me with a deadpan expression. "What am I? Your baby stroller?" Regis snarked at me.


"Look up at the sun, princess," Regis laughed, walking past me up to Ceara, Sylvie still resting peacefully upon his head.

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