chapter 9

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"My king, that boy's bond, I've taken a fancy to it and I was wondering if you could make him give it to me?" I asked Blaine, knowing that I've been in his service for over ten years should be enough for him to give the mana beast to me.

"No Sabastian, if you haven't noticed something already happened today, maybe on a later date," Blaine said, shocking me. I thought that with the amount of time I've been in his service would be enough for him to honor my request. Does he not understand what that beast is? It was able to form an equal contract as a baby, that means it's already at the level of A class.

I was about to argue with his decision, but he just raised his hand ignoring me and walked out of the room.

'That bastard, if he isn't going to get me that beast I'll get it myself' I thought as I was about to turn to attack the boy, but they had already left leaving just me in the VIP room.

I decided to follow the king, as I can get that beast tomorrow, as the boy is under the helstea roof, so just watching their activities and following him would be easy enough to take the beast for myself.

The next day I left the palace early requesting the day off, which the king granted. I went to the Helstea manor and waited for the boy to leave the house with the mana beast. I soon saw him leaving the manor in a carriage.

I followed the carriage through the city till I reached the Helstea Auction house. At first I was confused as to why he was coming back here, but I followed him into the building. I snuck past the guards that were swarming the area and followed the boy, suppressing my mana to the beast of my abilities.

I followed him into the armoury where he and the girl the prince has the hots for went different ways looking for weapons. I followed the mana beast, though she stayed too close to the boy, not allowing me to get close enough to take it. He soon reached under a table and pulled out a black stick.

'Is this boy so retarded that he thinks a stick would be a good weapon?' I thought while watching him spin the stick around in his hand.

He soon put his hand on the end of the stick and it clicked upen. The stick was actually a sword, a shining translucent purple black that shines in the light. He soon started to swerve his head side to side like he heard something, causing me to find a different spot to hide so that he doesn't notice me.

I then saw a shadow black puppy-like-beast walk up to the boy. "Wow Arthur, introduce me to the fine lady you got in your hands,"

'The beast speaks! How is that possible?' I yelled in my mind, starting to want this beast for myself as well.

They seemed to look at each other before the beast coward off into a corner of the room, as if his heart was just crushed.

Soon after the boy walked off and met back up with the blue-haired girl, he had forgotten his bond leaving her clean for the taking. I walked over to go and take her. As I was reaching my hand out to grab her she "Kyu'd", then right after I was hit with an insane amount of killing intent, causing me to fall onto the ground looking at the boy and girl in fear.

Before I could get up a sword was placed at my neck by the girl.

"What are you doing here?" The girl questioned me, putting a bit of pressure onto her sword causing me to bleed.

"You do not deserve a bond of that calibre, commenner!" I yelled, looking at the boy with pure hatred.

"I don't care what you think, you pest," the boy said, holding my mana beast in his arms, like it was some child. "Caera, can you use soulfire?" The boy asked the girl, causing me to wonder what soulfire is. I've never heard of it, so it can't be anything that bad.

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