Chapter 77

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Hello readers! I would like to thank you all for 80k reads on Two Future's Bound! You've made my day and have made my days amazing when I wake up and see your comments. Because of what has been accomplished on TFB I'm going to hold a little event.

Over the spanned of the day till the day chapter 78 is released. I want to have you guys come up with theories about TFB and what'll happen in the future of this story. I want you to DM me on discord your theories and in the end, I'll choose the one that either matches the plot's future or the one that I like the best as the winner.

first place=a custom role+teaser
second place= a custom role+teaser
third place= a custom role+teaser
Best of luck!

If win and want the custom role join the discord.


Caera Denoir:

As we started to make our way closer to Xyrus academy. Seeing the gates of the academy ahead of us. It seems that the place was still being cleaned up. The blood of the unfortunate students and the mana beasts are slowly but surely removed from the stones on the ground and walls.

Once we stepped foot into the academy two guards walked in front of us. Both seemed to be royal guards for the human kingdom. They looked at us with confusion.

"What are you two doing here?" The guard on the left asked, his voice sounded like that of a typical muscle man. Strong and prideful.

"We are just coming to grab a few things from our dorm room. I hope you don't mind," I said, getting a suspicious look from the guards.

"Why don't you wait for a different time. It is best to not go inside the academy. There are sights, little girls, like you, won't want to see," This time it was the guard on the left. While I couldn't see what he looked like due to the helmets only having eye holes for the guards to see through. My imagination led me to believe this guy looked similar to Lucas and had an ego close to Curtis' ego.

"Whatever you say. But we're going in," Arthur said, pushing the guards out of the way. The guards seemed to be annoyed at Arthur's actions, but they let it slide and let us inside the academy.

Walking through there wasn't a single student in sight. All of them must've returned to their house or are staying inside their dorm rooms.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get the books from my office," Arthur said, pointing towards the main school building where his office was located.

"I'm gonna go grab my stuff from my dorm room. How about we meet back up at the front of the academy in thirty minutes?" I said, Arthur, giving me a small smile before turning and walking towards the academy.

Turning around I started to make my way toward the dorm rooms. On the way, I saw one student with green hair, circular glasses and freckles on her face. She was following around a professor with a lab coat who was drinking out of a flask.

Ignoring them as the professor was saying something I continued on my journey to the dorm rooms. Seeing the dorm rooms come into view I start to walk a bit faster. Hoping Claire was still here even though there wasn't a good chance she was.

Walking up the stairs I made my way to my dorm room. Reaching the door to my room I turned the doorknob revealing Claire and my dorm room. Before I could look around to see if Claire was there I saw a dash of red jump at me. "Caera!"

Claire hugged me. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey Claire, how's it going?" I asked, Claire, removing her arms from me as she sat down on her bed.

"Good now that you're back. But it's been tiring with the clean-up. Feyfey and I stayed back while the rest of the Disciplinary Committee left to help clean up," Claire sighed, leaning back on her bed.

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