Chapter 22

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"Arthur. Why is it that you won't look me in the eyes anymore? Why won't you talk to me? Why do you continue to ignore me? Is it because of the kiss?" I asked him, scared of what answers he would give me.

He looked at me shocked and with a bit of fear in his eyes, like he didn't want this to surface again, like he didn't want this to happen. "Caera I. Please don't run from me when I tell you this..."

"Why, why could I run from you?" I asked, confused as to what he meant. What possible reason would I have to run from him?

"Caera, let me tell you a story, a story about an orphan," Arthur said, sitting down against a nearby tree, his eyes filled with fear and sadness.

"There was an orphan named Grey. He lived on a planet called Earth. It was centuries ahead of Dicathen and Alacrya. They had technology that the people of the three continents could only ever dream of. From flying mechanical devices, to weapons that could destroy continents.

Grey's parents were killed when he was young, barely four years old. He was sent to an orphanage. There he made friends with two people, Cecilia, and Nico Sever. Grey had gotten attached to the orphanage headmaster, someone he viewed as a mother.

Grey and Nico Sever would sneak out throughout the night and perform various criminal activities to help with the orphanage. They would usually steal from the rich, they always said that they had enough money, a little taken wouldn't matter much to them.

Soon after, on one of the days they were returning from their criminal activities, they found the headmaster of the orphanage assassinated. This caused Grey to yearn for revenge on the people that had killed her.

He then went on to join the army to gain strength and find the people that had killed her. He had told Nico and Cecilia to not follow him, but still did and joined the training camp with Grey.

This world used something different from mana, called KI. KI wasn't something you could find in the atmosphere, it could only be generated by a KI core. A KI core wasn't something you were born with, it was something you had to form with the amount of KI inside your body.

Grey didn't have a large KI core, if anything it was one of the smallest. Because of that, he trained to have perfect KI manipulation so that he would never unreasonably use KI.

While Grey may have had a weak KI core, that wasn't the same for one of his friends. Cecilia, she had an unusually large KI core. It was maybe two or three times the regular size of one. This caused her to get unwanted attention from some very powerful and scary people.

Once Grey had unlocked his KI core, he was brought up to the KI clases. This is where he had learned to use a sword. While Grey may not have had a strong KI core, he had perfect swordsmanship. He was praised by everyone for his talents with a sword, him even being able to take on kids twice his age and win.

Over the time Grey was at the cadet academy he started to chew away all of his emotions. Nico and Cecilia tried over and over to stop him, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

Because of this, Cecilia, who had feelings for him, let them die out and give someone who has been in love with her for a long time a chance. So Cecilia and Nico started to date.

At a point, someone came and approached Grey, a woman named Vrea. She promised that she could help Grey with his goals and gain him the throne. Grey trusted her, he believed everything she told him.

One of his friends didn't think that way though. Nico had found evidence that Vrea wasn't what she said she was and was trying to use him to get Cecilia as her own weapon.

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