Chapter 84

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Claire Bladeheart

I walked through the streets of Xyrus. My head moved side to side as I looked around in the hopes of finding a living thing. The place looked abandoned. Everyone was hidden. Even after a week, people still haven't left their homes after the attack on the academy. Everyone was living in fear, too scared that another attack may occur

The attack on the academy had struck fear into all the citizens of the floating city, Xyrus.

The other continent, or where Caera came from. It still left a small bitter taste in my mouth when I think about it. The other continent acted like monsters when they attacked us. Turned important people like Curtis against their own continent and used them to attack the continent.

But then there's Caera. She didn't act like a monster at all while she was here in Dicathen. She was nice and caring. But I couldn't help but wonder if this was all an act.Was she like the monsters from that continent?

More importantly, I was befuddled as to why Caera would even tell me in the first place. She had blown her cover and risked her safety to tell me her secret. Caera isn't like the monsters that attacked us, I'm sure of that. She was just unlucky and was born with the other monsters of that continent.

But then how did Caera come here to Dicathen? Was she assigned on a mission to join in on the attack of the academy? If so, she was a traitor; she helped us repel the attack and even ended up with Arthur. Does that mean Arthur knew about the other continent and never said anything?

I grit my teeth as I thought that Arthur could've saved lives if he had told us of his knowledge of the other continent. No, he couldn't have. Telling us would have put himself, Caera, and even his whole family at risk. The council could have accused them of being traitors and imprisoned them.

I let out a small sigh as I looked up at the clouds. "I wonder where they are right now?"

I continued on my walk towards my destination, the Adventure Guild building. My plan was to become an Adventurer.

When I first asked to become an Adventurer, my parents turned it down, saying that it was too dangerous and that I should focus on the academy. But now I'm not in the academy and I didn't ask my parents. What could go wrong?

I soon arrived at the large guild building. The symbol of the adventurer guild wasplastered on the marble columns that stood outside the building, serving to support the massive structure in front of me. I peered through two glass doors, that served as the entrance to the building.Icould see some people on the inside, seemingly yelling for something.

Pushing open the glass doors, I saw a large velvet red carpet, people lined up in a line in front of a desk. Looking around I saw a couple people asking for mages with special requirements to help for a dungeon raid.

Walking up I got into the line in front of the desk. It didn't take long for the people in front of me to be done. Most were just given a small form to fill out and to wait at one of the benches on the side.

Once at the front of the line I walked up to the lady behind the desk. She had a small smile on her face as she watched me approach. "I want to take the rank examination," I said with authority, it was something my uncle, Kaspian said I should do. It helps get my point across easier.

"Please fill out this form," She smiled, handing me a small form. It just asked for, first and last name, date of birth, core, elements, augmenter or conjurer and to sign on a waiver about the dangers of being an Adventurer.

Quickly filling out the form I handed it back to the lady through the small hole in the glass that separated us. "Thank you, please go si-" She stopped speaking as she looked down at the form I had handed back. The next second a small section of the desk slid to the side as she walked out from behind her desk.

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