Chapter 6

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(Day of the auction house)


I woke up to the feeling of pain, looking to where it was coming from I saw Ellie jumping on top of me chanting,

"Wake up brother, wake up brother," Over and over jumping around my bed,waking me up from my sleep.

"Ellie, you can stop, I'm up," I groaned, trying to pull my cover over my head.

"Okay," she yelled, running out of my room taking my blanket with her.

"She wasn't taking my blanket before," I mumbled while my body shivered without the cover for warmth.

Once I got up from my bed I went to go get washed up while Sylvie escaped from my grasp and ran down the stairs to where my family was. After getting all cleaned up I walked out of my room to see Ellie running out of Caera's room with her blanket as well.

I looked into her room and saw a monster sitting on her bed. The monster had blue tentacles for hair that were going in every direction imaginable. "Monster!" I yelled, slamming the door shut. I rested my back on the push door thinking I was safe from the monster. But then the support I was getting from the door disappeared causing me to fall backwards, I was now looking up at the monster with no real way to protect myself.

"Who are you calling a monster?" The monster yelled, pinching my side with mana causing me to jump with pain.

"Ow, now I'm sorry for calling you a monster," I yelped, causing the onslaught of pinches to stop.

"I thought we were friends, but here you are calling me a monster," It pouted while moving some hair away from its face to reveal a very annoyed Caera.

"Damn you got some crazy bed head," I mumbled, getting up from the ground. "Anyways you should get dressed you'll be meeting the twin horns today," I said leaving the room to let her get dressed.

I waited outside Caera's room for her to come out of her room to see her dressed in the set of casual clothes we got her when he first took her in. Caera never really seemed to enjoy dressing up for parties or wear high end dresses, but since the king and queen will be at the auction house I'm gonna have to make her get changed again.

"You're a meanie," She said, pinching me again.

"Ow, I'm sorry, you just have a terrible bedhead," I said, causing her to calm down a bit.

"Wait, will I need to change again for the auction house?" She asked in a dreadful voice, most likely not wanting to change or do her hair again.

"Yes," I laughed at her expression of pure dread and hatred at me for making her do that.

"No! I don't want to do my hair again!" She complained pointing to her hair which wasn't neat or even that well done, it sorta looked like it was done by a two year old.

"I can do it," I blurted out.

"You can?" She asked in a suspicious voice while looking at me like she was interrogating me.

"Yes I can," I said, playing along with this thing I accidentally started.

''Anyways the twin horns are going to be here soon, we should head out so that we can greet them," I said, walking down the stairs to the front lobby of the house, waiting for the Twin horns.

We stood in front of the door waiting for the twin horns. Sylvie had come and joined us and jumped onto my shoulder even though she was getting a bit too big for that. Caera seemed to be nervous to meet the twin horns, though I don't know why. She is a highblood so she should be used to meeting new people.

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