Chapter 75

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Caera Denoir:

As we exited the teleportation portal, arriving in the floating city of Xyrus. The guards that guarded the portal looked at us confused before letting us leave. I had expected us to be stuck at the flying palace for a long time, but we were there for less than an hour which was actually quite nice. And we were only brought there because the king, Blaine was his name, had wanted us killed for his son becoming a traitor.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. While I've enjoyed my time here in Dicathen a lot more than my time in Alacrya. The difference is still large. Alacrya's politics with the High-Bloods were not settled like they are here with the royalty. Most of the time we try to settle things properly through discussions. Here it's just. You did something wrong! You're now being killed!

As we walked towards the Helstea estate I had subconsciously grabbed Arthur's hand. Joining our fingers together. Placing my head on his shoulder as we slowly walked through the busy streets of Xyrus city.

While this place may not have been bigger than the cities in the Central domain. It was more beautiful, allowing us to see over the Beast-Glades the ocean behind us. While I may not know what is in that direction as Alacrya is the other way, it is still nice to look that way and watch as you see large mana beasts jump out of the water.

Walking through the shopping districts, we could hear the sounds of people talking and the gingles on the doors, letting out a light ringing sound. The people at stales yelling out their prices on items.

I looked over to Arthur. He had a conflicted look on his face. His eyes were just looking ahead, not really paying attention to the things around him. See thing I reached my hand out and poked him in his cheek. But to my displeasure, he didn't react and just continued to look forward.

Letting out a sigh I started to think of ways I could get Arthur out of his trance. As I was thinking of something I felt him remove his hand from mine. Looking at him confused as he stopped walking.

"Arthur, is something wrong?" I asked, walking back over to him. Looking into Arthur's eyes I could see pain and hurt.

"Caera, my parents deserve to know the truth," As those words left Arthur's mouth I walked over to him and gave him a hug. Remembering how hard it was for him to tell me his secret.

"You don't need to do this. You telling them could just bring pain," I said, Arthur wrapping his arms around me as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I know. But this time it'll be different. Right?" I mean, I was closer to them, maybe they'll accept me more and not yell at me," Arthur said. I knew what he was saying was crazy talk. I knew that this wouldn't end well.

"Arthur, you shouldn't do this. It isn't going to end how you think it will," I said, trying to convince him to not go through whatever he has planned. It isn't smart. This will lead to more pain in his heart.

"No, I must tell them. It is their right to know of this. If I don't give them that then how can we truly ever trust each other?"

"They already trust you. You are their son, they trust you, this doesn't need to come out of the dark. It can just stay inside," I pleaded, my voice faltering as I tried my best to stop him from doing anything he will regret.

"No, I must do this, no matter how much I don't want to this is something I must do," Arthur said, his arms tightening around me. "Fine, if you're going to tell them I want to be there when it happens," I said, looking at Arthur's eyes. Arthur just gave me a small nod.

We continued our walk back to the Helstea estate. We walked in silence. Arthur not even saying a word as he just looked forward, his eyes filled with fear. Looking down at his hands I saw they were trembling. Grabbing his hand. I wrapped my hand around his hand as I tried to calm him down.

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