Chapter 36

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***The day before the academy***

Tessia Eralith:

I was curled up in a ball on my bed thinking about that day. The day I had gone to where Art has been living. While I knew there was a possibility that Art could've started to date that.... That human, I didn't think it would happen.

Art should be mine. He was MY childhood best friend. He stayed at MY house. Did he just play me like a fool to get close to MY family? No that can't be right, the Art I know was nice and kind, he would never choose someone other than me, right? I mean even grandpa says we're made for each other.

Wait, does that mean that human is controlling Art? Making him choose her over me with blackmail? Maybe she's threatening Sylvie. If so then I need to help him. I need to help Art, yeah that must be it. I should go right now!

I got up from my bed and started to run towards the door. But before I could reach it, I saw the door open. My grandpa stepped into the room. "Wow there little one. Where are you rushing off to?" Grandpa asked, a grin on his face.

"I was going to go train," I lied, not wanting him to know what I was going to do. Remembering our promise it wouldn't look good if I said I was rushing over to Art's house to try and break Art and that human apart.

"It's getting late, little one. You can go train tomorrow. But first I have a present for you," Grandpa said, leading me towards my bed and sitting me down.

"A present! What is it?" I asked, looking at my grandpa with stars in my eyes.

"Yes I got you a present." He chuckled. "Remember when you asked me to find you a beast will?" Grandpa asked, receiving a nod from me. "Well I sent a couple of elfs out to the Beast Glades to find a beast will. Recently one of those elves came back successfully finding a beast will." Grandpa smiled, pulling something out of his dimension ring.

It was a circular orb that was light green. It had a wing like design on it along with some scales.

"This is an AA rank Wind Wyvern beast core. Inside it contains an AA rank beast will," Grandpa said. I tried to reach out and grab it, but he pulled it away before I could grab it. "Do you remember the promise we made if I got you a beast will?" He asked, looking at me with a serious look.

"Yes, I promised not to meddle in Art's personal life," I said, holding back the image of Art and that human dancing.

"Good. Now before absorbing the beast will I want you to wait till Arthur starts the academy tomorrow. It's just for precaution since he can properly help you assimilate," Grandpa finished, handing me the beast will.

"Thank you grandpa," I smiled, examining the core that was now in my palm.

"Your welcome little one. But remember that promise. I don't need to hear from that brat that you've been harassing him," Grandpa said, leaving my room.

I know grandpa said to wait till Art starts attending the academy. But that human already has a beast will, so why can't I get mine a bit early?

I started to absorb the beast will inside the core. I was brought to black void where the only other thing was a large green wind wyvern that was standing in front of me. Its wings started to come towards me. At first I wanted to turn around and run for my life, but I couldn't move. My legs were stuck in place.

Once the wings wrapped around me the Wyvern started to shine before disappearing.

The next thing I knew I was back in my room. I examined my core and saw a green symbol on my core.

"I did it," I mumbled, watching the beast core disappear from my hand.


I was walking into the back of the Helstea manor. Arthur said he wanted to talk to me about something. He said that it was urgent and that I should come as fast as I could. I was confused as to what he wanted, it's not like we've done anything bad over these past months.

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