Chapter 26

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Jasmine Flamesworth:

Once we got up to the top of the mountain, we saw a large tree. That housed a large nest on the very top of it. Up there was a large winged beast, with scales covering its entire body, blowing wind outlining, it could've been considered a beautiful sight if that beast wasn't going to try and kill us.

Before the beast could attack, I saw Arthur run across my vision, I followed where he was going and saw a large hole had opened up, Caera had fallen through it. Arthur then jumped down the hole, going after Caera.

I ran over there to go down and check on them, but before I could the hole had been covered up. I don't know how that happened, but it had just happened. It was like the mountain solely wanted those two and no one else.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, this being the second time I was unable to protect Arthur. I felt like a failure. I had failed my promise to Alice and Reynolds, that I would keep their son and future daughter-in-law protected. But I had failed, maybe I wasn't the best choice for this mission.

Before I could drown myself in self pity, I felt a large boom. I looked behind me to see that the wind Wyvern had jumped down, preparing itself for battle. It started to charge a large blast of wind in its mouth. You could hear the wind moving at such a rapid paste it sounded like the wind was screaming in pain.

It launched the attack, the wind tearing up the ground that it traveled above. As it was coming towards us I saw Aya step forward, and point her want at the wind torrent that was coming towards us.

She chanted something under her breath, and the wind torrent that was coming at her started to slow down, soon it had completely stopped. I looked in shock, she had just done something I had thought was impossible. The wind then dispersed, blowing my hair, making it flap wildly in the wind.

I looked toward the Wyvern, its face contorted into that of fear. It most likely never met someone who could do that with such little effort. The Wyvern started to step back in fear, while Aya started to walk towards it.

Aya soon released a large cloud of mist all around us, making me not able to see anything in front of me. I was able to see the shadows through the mist though.

I saw the Wyvern still looking in the same direction, charging up what I assume was another blast. But there was no one there. From what I could tell from the silhouettes, Aya was behind the beast, preparing to strike it down.

The beast sent a large blast at nothing, causing the mist to blow away, allowing me to see in front of me. The Wyvern seemed to look confused, when he realized his attack didn't hit anything.

I watched as Aya, with one attack, sliced the Wyvern in half. She had realized a wind blade and cut right through the Wyvern, splitting it in half down the middle.

I looked around for the other elf that was doing this quest with us. I saw Noah, walking over to Aya, most likely checking to make sure she was okay. I still hadn't moved from where Arthur and Caera had fallen. I wanted to see if they had survived, not just think that they had died. Arthur has survived a fall a lot larger then this one, he should be able to survive.

Aya sooned walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, "You want to see if they survived right?" Aya asked, looking at me with sincere eyes. I gave her a slight nod. "Good, lets break this spot open. If they had fallen here then it wouldn't be that far fetched that there is a large open area here," Aya continued, helping me up and walking me a safe distance from the area, where she seemed to be planning to blow open.

She charged up a spell with her magic staff, and send a large powerful gust of wind at the spot, blowing it wide open. She looked back at us and signaled for us to jump down, and we did.

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