Chapter 62

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Arthur Leywin

Looking down at the book in my hands. It was the purple with golden trims, the one that I had first picked up to start learning. I had learnt the alphabet of the Djinn, and have gotten ok at reading their text. Right now I was reading through the first book. In this book I've learned a good amount about Aether. While the Djinn used Aether to learn for advancements and learning more about this world. But that didn't mean they didn't dabble in other parts of Aether.

This book was filled with things Aether could do. While it didn't explain how they were able to use Aether, it did say how they used it. The book was definitely a shock to me. I had hoped it would tell more about how Aether could be used for other things other than advancements in technology, but I'm fine with figuring that out by myself. Gives more of an accomplished feeling.

Letting out a sigh I closed the book. While I wanted to continue to read the book I knew that I should go visit Caera. She has been stuck in her dorm room for the past two days. We also need to figure out how we are going to deal with the problem of us being bonded together. But I do have an idea on how we can somewhat avoid it and move farther apart from each other than ten kilometres. I clicked a button under my desk, revealing a compartment in the desk just wide enough for a book to be placed in it. While I could leave the Aether book in the extra-dimension rune, It just felt right to leave it in the desk.

Walking out of my study I made my way across the campus. Once I arrived at the dorms I went up to Caera's dorm room. Knocking on the door I was met by Claire. "Oh, hey Arthur. Are you here to see Caera?" Claire asked, her voice worried. I was confused, what could she be worried about? I walked inside the room to see Caera just staring blankly in front of her, Regis in a small puppy form on her lap, also looking blankly in front of himself.

"Arthur, I don't know what happened. I just came in here and they have been just staring blankly like that for hours. I've tried to wake them up or get their attention but nothing, not even a simple glance," Claire said, walking back over to Caera and shaking her, but getting the same results she was getting before.

"Here, let me try," I said, walking over to Caera. Instead of shaking her or anything on the likes of that, I made a much similar answer to get her to wake up. I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. The next second after her face turned bright red and her endless gaze ahead of her stopped. "See, it wasn't that difficult," I smiled, getting a sharp glare from Claire.

"Yeah, well it's not like I can just walk up to her and kiss her like you did," Claire complained, I let out a light chuckle at her response.

I looked back over at Caera who was still bright red, but seemed to be out of her trans. "W-Why'd you kiss me?" Caera asked, looking at me shocked. "Am I not allowed to kiss my own girlfriend?" I asked, acting hurt at her words.

"W-What no. It was just unexpected," Caera said. I let out another light chuckle before kissing her again, this time she didn't react like she did the time before, but she seemed to still be caught off guard by my actions.

"Geez, watching you two makes me want to barf," Claire said, walking towards the bathroom.

"Anyways, come on Caera. I want to test something. Regis you're also needed so come on," I said, getting a nod from the both of them. We made our way directly out of the academy. Since Caera can't go anywhere else on academy grounds other than the dorm rooms, the cafeteria and the exit. We walked to the middle of Xyrus, Caera seemed to be confused about the entire thing.

"Alright, Xyrus is about twinty kilometres long. We're both going to walk seperate directions till we reach the edge of the city," I said, gaining a confused look from both Caera and Regis. "But if we do that we'll be teleported to each other," Caera said, clearly confused as to what I was getting at here.

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