Chapter 81

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Arthur Leywin

Walking out of Catherine's stop we started to make our way out of this large black market. There were hundreds of people here, and tons of open shops as well. But most had themselves covered up trying to keep themselves from being seen.

As we walked past a large group of people I felt one of them try and steal Dawn off my side. Grabbing their hand I threw them to the ground out of the crowd. Everyone around us stopped and looked at me and the person who was now on the ground.

They had a cloak covering over most of their body and a white mask with... a blue note on it? "How dare you! Do you know who I am!? I am the adventurer Note! The masked swordsman!" Their voice didn't seem to be being altered by any sound magic as it seemed to be a terrible copy.

I heard a small snicker come from Caera as she placed her hands in front of her mouth as she tried to hold in a laugh. I could also hear Sylvie snickering inside my mind as she looked at my doppelganger.

Just trying to ignore the situation I turned around to start walking away but my doppelganger grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me. I looked back at him to see two red eyes looking at me with hatred.

"Give me that on your wrist, it's the least you could do for hurting such a high-ranking adventurer," My doppelganger demanded, trying to reach out and grab Dawn again.

'I swear if he so as lays a finger on me I will have your head, Arthur,' Dawn's voice rang in my head, her voice filled with anger. 'Fine, he won't touch you,' I told her, pulling her out of her sheath as a crystal red blade shone in the night sky, showing that she was angered by this doppelganger's attempts at getting her.

My doppelganger drew their sword that was also resting on their waist. This sword was similar to the black sword I used while I was adventuring. I was surprised he found a sword similar to the one I used to use.

"You couldn't beat me even if you were a white core mage! As I am the masked swordsman!" They yelled, charging at me with a pathetic sword stance. In my old world, this type of swordsmanship would've got him executed for being terrible.

Coating Dawn with mana I did a quick upwards strike, breaking the doppelgangers swords and cutting off their mask. The broken part of their sword flew up into the air and landed right beside them, digging into the ground beside them.

Now getting a good look at them they had pale white skin and red eyes with long black hair that made me believe that they were female. A rounded jawline and a snarky look on their face. "You're a fake," I said, placing the tip of Dawn's edge in front of their neck. They started to squirm, trying to grovel away.

"Say that you're a fake!" I yelled, cutting a part of her cheek.

"Fine, I'm a fake. Are you happy?" She asked, looking at me with hatred as she got up from the ground. Ignoring her we just turned around and started to leave the black market.

"You think I got a doppelganger?" Caera asked, looking at me with curiosment. Letting out a sigh I just ignored what she was saying.

Once we were a good distance away from the black market we started to set up camp. Regis went and got wood while the rest of us set up an area for a fire and set up the sleeping bags.

After cooking some rabbit that Sylvie hunted down while we were setting up the camp we started to get into our sleeping rolls. As I crawled into mine Caera walked over to me and lifted up my sleeping roll and snuggled close to my chest.

I couldn't help myself and started to pat her head. "It wasn't that hard to get you in my sleeping roll," I chuckled while Caera buried her head into my chest and started to fall asleep. Doing the same as her as we drifted off to sleep.

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