Chapter 49

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Arthur Leywin:

I stood up on top of the roof of Xyrus Academy looking down at a certain individual, Kai. While most would be confused as to why I am doing this, for me I knew the perfect reason why. He was a traitor.

While to the naked eye most couldn't tell he was a traitor. He acted as everyone else in this academy, in fact a better word to describe him would be a spy. He was sent here to Alalcrya to gain info on Dicathen, and to figure out what the newer generation is made out of.

He was invited to the Disciplinary Committee by Claire. I don't know the reasons why.

Right now he was just walking around campus, most likely trying to act like he was just going for a walk. But everytime he goes for a walk he would disappear from where he was and be at a completely different location a few minutes later.

While I don't think he could teleport as when I used Godstep I didn't teleport, but more so moved at a speed no one could see.

I've been watching Kai ever since my patrol shift started. But for this entire time I haven't seen him do anything that would point him out to be a spy. While I may know he is a spy, others don't. Meaning I need solid proof.

Throughout this time he hasn't done anything that would put him out of the ordinary. He acts like a full blown Dicathian. For how long he has been here to learn, to be so perfect at acting like us in insane. At some point I even thought he was a Dicathian. Hell if he was born in my old world he would be one of the best actors there.

Currently Kai was walking towards his last class of the day. This class wouldn't really show if he was a spy or not, and my patrol route is about to end. Because of this I made my way back to where everyone else thinks I should be and waited for Kathyln to come take my place and do her patrol route.

She arrived right when she was supposed to. Her impassive face that was only beaten by Varay's. "Hello Arthur, your patrol route is over. I'll be taking over," Kathyln said. I gave her a quick nod and started to make my way back towards the dorm rooms.

Once I made it back to my dorm room I entered to see Feyfey sitting down and reading something at his desk. I walked over and took over his shoulder. From what I could tell he seemed to be reading something on the lines of politics.

"Hey Feyfey, what are you reading?" I asked, walking over and sitting down on my bed, picking up Sylvie who had wanted to stay in the room and sleep instead of going on boring patrol routes.

"I'm reading a book on politics," Feyfey said, not bothering to look up from his book and just continued to read.

"And why are you reading a book on politics? There's got to be a reason other than you're bored," I said, throwing Sylvie up in the air, watching her smile as she fell down and went back up.

"I am the next head of the Ivsaur family, because of this I need to become well versed in politics so that my family doesn't lose its status. While we may be a military house, we still need to have a strong political standing, so that other houses don't look down on us," Feyfey explained, placing a feather in the book and closing it.

"While that makes sense, wouldn't it also be good for you to study battle strategy books? If your family is a strong military family you need politics and a strong leader to lead the house. With the news of a new continent they could be hostile and war could break out. If you become a strong military leader you could raise your house standing and possibly become known for your skills as a leader," I explained. I watched his eyes realize what I meant and what he could do with that kind of information.

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