Chapter 34

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***One week Later Ellie's Ball party***

Arthur Leywin:

"Is this to your liking?" I asked, finishing brushing Caera's hair. She stood up and looked into the mirror.

"It's perfect!" Caera smiled, doing a small spin in front of her mirror. The dress she was wearing was beautiful. A deep navy blue dress, it matched her hair and only helped highlight her appearance. It was shoulderless with cloth covering her chest then wrapping around her neck. It fell down her legs leaving only one of her legs visible, sticking out from the dress. Around her waist was a bright blue band with silver decorations. Her sleeves were tight, ending at her wrists. She was wearing high heels, sapphire in color. They were solid and strong, nothing like the weak heels most nobles would have. Around her left ankle was another decoration. Coming from the blue band on her waist was a few ribbons that formed an ark the draped over her back. (For any of you wondering, It's the dress at the top^) (Also thank you @Ironswordsman for the design)

"Alright, you go down and wait for the party to start, I still need to get changed," I smiled, leaving Caera's room and going towards mine to get ready.

Once I changed into a lavish suit that was similar to that of a tuxedo in my old world, except instead of a tie it was a handkerchief. "Let's go papa!" Sylvie yelled, jumping towards me I had caught her before she had reached me.

"No Sylvie, you're going to stay here. I'll send maids up here to deliver you meat," I said, placing her down on my bed.

"But people need to see me! The Majestic Dragon!" Sylvie said, puffing out her chest.

"I think you've gotten a little too close to Re-"

"Majestic Uncle Regis is awesome!" Sylvie cut me off, running around my bed.

"Alright. Anyways stay up here," I said, patting her head before walking out of the room.

'Regis has had too much of an impact on her. I'm scared of what else she picked up from him' I thought, a shiver running up my back like I would regret ever letting Regis go with Sylvie in the Beast Glades.

I made it down to the ball room and went over to the front entrance of the Helstea estate. I was to greet the guests when they arrived. Everytime a family with a daughter around my age came in, the mother would always tell the daughter to ask me for a dance.

Once the guests stopped arriving I went to where the party was to be held. There was a small canteen, along with a band playing music for the guests. I soon heard footsteps coming from upstairs. Everyone gathered around the stairs to wait to see the person coming from above them.

"She's coming!" My father yelled, hitting a knife onto a wine glass. Right after Ellie came into view, my mothers hands covered her eyes.

"Mom, I thought we were having a small party?" Ellie asked, confused from the commotion.

My mother soon removed her hands from blocking Ellie's eyesight. "Happy Birthday!" We all cheered, and confetti crackers went off, shooting confetti everywhere. Ellie had the look of pure shock and joy, it was the perfect reaction.

After that the party truly started , everyone was cheering and having fun.

"Thank you all for coming to my daughters birthday party, and to start off the night, does anyone want to dance with the birthday girl?" My father asked, causing a dark aura to emanate from my mother, I swear it could rival that of an asura.

Ignoring my mothers rage I walked over to Ellie and said "Will you honor me with your hand for a dance?" I bowed, slipping off my gloves and extending a hand. I heard various squeals and giggles from her friends, but I ignored them.

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