Chapter 52

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Sevren Denoir:

"Alright, everything seems to check out properly. I think you'll be a great assistant for one of our teachers here, his name is Gideon," The Director of the academy said, handing me a key and a file on the teacher I was to assist.

"Thank you Director. I'll be heading to my room," I said, shaking hands with the Director before turning around and leaving the office.

I had just recently made my way here to Dicathen. It had taken me a while to get the forged documents ready so that I could attend here at Xyrus as a teacher or assistant. I came to Dicathen about a week ago. I needed to become familiar with the land of the continent. This continent is a lot better than Alacrya, well, people wise. The people here have hope in their eyes and aren't used as test subjects for fake gods. Alacrya was still better technologically wise, but that didn't mean we didn't have our down sides.

But right now I needed to focus on my mission, finding Caera. From the message I read from Seris, I learned that she should be attending Xyrus Academy as a battle mage. I was confused as to how she pulled that off. She shouldn't be able to use magic like they do here. For us to get mages to use mana like they do here, we need to kidnap civilians and breed with them to have children that can use mana like they do here.

While walking to my new place of residence, I saw a girl with long navy blue hair, with ruby red eyes. She was wearing what I assumed to be the Disciplinary Committee uniform. 'T-T-That's C-Caera, right?' I asked myself, watching her walk into the school.

I started to follow her, wondering where she was going. I soon found myself in the office area of the academy. 'Why is she here?' I thought, keeping a good distance between us, not wanting her to sense me.

I watched her stop at a door and open it, not even knocking. Not wanting to follow her inside, I pulled out an artifact that spies are given to see through walls. Inside the room I saw someone sitting at the desk near the window of the room.

I then watched Caera walk up to the presumed professor who was sitting at the desk and sit on his lap! She then leaned in and kissed him! 'Is Caera in a relationship with a GROWN MAN!' I thoughted, watching their interaction.

I ended up standing there, completely shocked at what I just saw. Like I was placed under 100 times gravity, not being able to move at all. Once I regained my senses I could only think of one thing to do. Charge right in there and kill that bastard.

I rushed towards the door and kicked it open, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE!" I yelled, marching right into the room, looking shocked. Boy?

"Wait, why is there a 12 year old boy inside a professor's office?" I asked, completely shocked and confused as to what to do.

"Who are you?" The boy asked, standing up from his chair and walking over to the couches in the room. He placed Caera down gently on the couch, she was still asleep even after I barged into the room.

"I'm Sevren Denoir and what are you doing with Caera!?" I yelled, completely forgetting I'm a spy in another continent. I watched as his eyes started to widen.

"You're Caera's older brother. Why are you here in Dicathen?" The boy asked, signaling for me to sit down on the other couch.

I sat down on the couch looking across at him. "No, the better question is who the fuck are you and why is Caera sleeping on your lap?" I asked, releasing my mana, causing him to flinch a bit before recomposing himself.

"My name is Arthur Leywin. Caera had come in here and had fallen asleep," The now identified Arthur said, releasing his aura, causing my eyes to widen. He looks to be 12, how can he hold such a powerful aura? "Why are you here? You must be strong with the mana you have. From what Caera has told me I would rank you at around a Retainer," Arthur said, causing my eyes to widen.

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