Chapter 25

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"Hello," The future elven lance Aya said, giving us a light wave.

"Hello," I said, placing my backpack onto the ground, leaning it on a tree. "May we know the people we'll be traveling with into the dungeon?" I asked, stretching my arms.

"Yes. My name is Aya Grephin, an S rank adventurer. I am in solid silver with a wind element with the deviant's sound and illusion," Aya explained, extending her hand for a hand shake, which Jasmine accepted.

The other one that I wasn't familiar with spoke up. "My name is Noah Triscan, an AA rank adventurer. I have a wind element along with a sound deviant," The now identified Noah spoke, his voice was quiet and timid, like he was scared.

'Triscan? I thought Alea's younger brother had died. So why is there a Triscan standing right in front of me? Maybe he's a distant cousin, yeah that would make sense,' I thought, confused at the revelation of this new face.

"My name is Jasmine Flamesworth, I am an AA rank adventurer, augmenter with a wind element," Jasmine said.

"My name is Ruby, I am an A rank adventurer. I have a fire element and use a sword as my primary weapon," Caera said, her voice impassive, reminding me a lot of how she used to act when I first met her in the Relictombs.

"My name is Note, I am an A rank adventurer, I have a fire element and my primary weapon is a sword as well," I said, not really wanting to say anything else.

"Oh, so you two are the famous masked swordsman and ruby princess?" Aya said, interest laced in her voice, most like curious on how strong we are. I looked over to Caera to see her a bit flustered at the nickname the other adventurers had given her.

"I thought that they didn't have an element? Everyone that has come out of a dungeon alive with them has claimed for them to have never used mana and just their swords," Noah said, examining us for any lies.

"We do, just we prefer to not use them at the moment," I said, getting ready to enter the dungeon, excited to see what we'll find inside.

"Alright, so do you all know what the quest is that you signed up for?" Aya asked, all of us shaking our heads negatively not understanding what she meant. "Okay, then I'll explain. This isn't a dungeon, but more like a mountain. This quest is to kill a species that has been over-populating in this area. If their numbers increase too much they could become a threat for things outside the Beast Glades. Like the small cities," Aya explained, all of us looking at her as if she was an idiot. We were standing in front of an entrance to a dungeon, not a large mountain.

"Um, Aya, not to be rude, but there is no mountain here, just a dungeon entrance," Caera said, pointing at the entrance to the dungeon.

"Yes, see this is just the meet up place, the mountain is a bit of a walk from here. We started here as it would be easier to group up first," Aya said, smiling, causing the other elf, Noah, to blush.

"Alright," I said. " I'll take the leader role as you guys don't know of the quest," Aya said, none of us disagreeing with her, as she was the best choice to lead us.

After that we started to make our way toward the quest location. Throughout the walk it was silent, the only thing that was making noise was the wind, humming through the air. Blowing the leaves on the trees.

Caera and I were a good bit behind the others, our fingers wrapped around each others, her head leaning on my shoulder. Both of us enjoyed each other's company, and listened to the leaves blow on the trees.

With us being so far behind the others didn't seem to notice us, which was fine as we didn't want others to know of our relationship. But that doesn't mean we weren't going to completely hide it.

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