Chapter 47

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Tessia Eralith:

I walked out of the beast-Will class, going back to my dorm room. I didn't like that class. Not because Arthur was teaching it, no I was ecstatic to learn it was Arthur who was teaching it. I disliked it because of who was in it. Caera, that man stealing human.

Like didn't she already have a beast-will? It was a fire one, so why does she need to be in a beast-will class that's supposed to help with assimilating them, not learning how to use them. Is she just faking it? Is she that desperate for Arthur's attention that she needs to fake having to assimilate?

Like what does he have that I don't? Nother, I'm better than her in every way. So why is Art with her? Like I was his best friend. We lived together for three years. He saved me from slave traitors. I'm a princess. So why does he date that, that human?

She doesn't deserve to be in the presence of Art. Art is charming, cute, and most of all mine. So why is Art noting coming to me? Like he even was trained by MY grandfather. That should be enough to make him want me instead.

Like he is a commoner, why doesn't he want to lift up his family status like others? He could become a prince and even a king if he dated me. So why? Why does he want to stay with that witch?

What I wouldn't do to have Arthur all to myself. Just me and him, nothing between us. Let us live our happiest lives and have no interruptions like that witch. Just me and him, that would be amazing.

I had lost track of my time and didn't realize I had already made it to the director's building which was where the student council dorm rooms were located. Walking inside I saw that most of the staff was preparing to leave for the night, with the front desk lady about to leave.

I walked up the stairs and made my way to my dorm room, but on my way I was met with Lilia. "There you are president, we have a lot of paperwork and we need your help," Lilia said, urging me to follow her.

"How much paperwork is a lot?" I asked, walking towards the student council meeting room. Once the door was open I saw that everyone's desk had two stacks of paperwork on it. "Why do we have so much?" I asked, fearing how late this night will be.

"Well, with all three races attending the school we are getting a lot more racial complaints. While the Disciplinary Committee stops a majority of them, they can't be everywhere to stop it all, so we still get a lot of complaints," Lilia explained, causing me to let out a large sigh and walk over to my desk.

I sat down and started to take a piece of paper off the top. Reading over it it felt odd, this doesn't feel like a complaint or anything, the paperwork looks almost like. "Master! Did she dump her paperwork on us!" I yelled, causing everyone to look at me confused. They all got up and walked over to see what I was looking at.

"Um, why do you have the director's paperwork?" Clive asked, taking the piece of paper out of my hand to examine it.

"I don't know, it was just here on the top of my pile," I muttered, grabbing the next piece of paperwork on the pile to see it was the director's paperwork.

"Wiat, I also have the director's paperwork," I heard another member say, causing me to look over to see that everyone was looking over their piles of paperwork.

"Um president, we all have the director's paperwork," Lilia said, looking over a sheet of paper in her hands. "Why would she dump it on us?" Lilia asked, looking at the paper confused.

"I don't know," I sighed, fearing for how late we would all be here.

"We should go ask the director, maybe our paperwork got switched," Fable asked, walking towards the door to leave.

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