Chapter 66

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Aya Grephin:

Varay stood beside me, studying the Hades Serpent that was below us. The Hades Serpent wasn't acting like any of the ones I found while adventuring. It had two large black horns that were emanating a large amount of mana. While I would say the beast was still at the level of an AA rank, it was now near the high end of that rank.

A large amount of footsteps could be heard coming from the tunnel behind us. The steps seemed to be in unison, not a single one off beat. Turning around we saw two Lance squads. Knights who were put under the direct command of a Lance. Right now there were about 62 of us.

Varay gave a few quick signals telling us what the plans were to deal with the Hades Serpent. Jumping down, not a single sound was heard from me, the sound magic I was using to control. The Hades Serpents' heads started to flail around, its tail trying to smack its ears, it looked as if a bug had crawled into its ears, but in fact, it was my sound magic, making it hear a large ringing noise in its' heads.

Varay, with a quick ice spell, encased the Hades Serpent in a large dome of ice. Making quick work the guards jumped down and used their weapons to slice through the ice, killing the Hades Serpent.

"This Hades Serpent shouldn't have been enough to scare off Titanic Blood Worms," I muttered, examining the corpse of the Hades Serpent, wondering what made it so special. As I stood up I felt an unholy amount of power come from the entrance this Hades Serpent seemed to be guarding.

Jumping up and looking over, you could almost see the blackish purple aura that was emanating from the cave. Looking over to Varay she also seemed to be startled, but she calmed herself quickly and gave the order for us to enter the cave.

Inside the cave we saw a beautiful area, with large amounts of glowing blue water. Walking around the area would've been beautiful to go to without anything to worry about. But the loming aura of death was coming from inside the room. At the other side of the room there was someone, no something standing across the room.

What was there was something standing well over two metres with a hunched posture. He has long, thin arms that dangle by his sides as though his arms had popped out of their sockets. He wears thick dark bandages underneath a shabby black mantle that perches on his shoulders and a tattered hood with his messy bangs peeking out from it.

"Oh, it seems I have some unwanted guests," The thing laughed, letting its voice was like a screech, like the thing was made of pure evil that should never have stepped foot on this continent.

With a flick of his wrist, hundreds of large shadow spikes launched up from the ground appearing from our shadows. I was always wary of anything, so I always kept an illusion over myself and Varay, causing the spikes to appear in front of us, not below us like the others in our group.

Looking around I saw that everyone of the knights wr had brought were impaled, crying out and dying. I felt my stomach distort, but I kept myself calm, reminding myself that I can't die here or feel fear. I am a Lance, a pillar of support to the people, if I die people will lose hope, that is not something that can happen.

The thing noticing us still being alive flicked his wrist again, but like last time the spikes went in front of us. Varay started to charge up an ice spell while I started to use my illusion magic, making the thing see hundreds of us.

The thing seemed to be surprised, and started to move from the spot it stood at. It started to run around, a crazy smile plastered over its face. Attacking each of the illusions. Using this as a change, when it attacked an illusion I would jump in, trying and land a strong blow, but each time he would notice the real me, making me have to retreat back.

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