Chapter 46

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Arthur Leywin:

My eyes started to open, but instead of seeing the inside of the infirmary, I saw a mop of navy blue hair. I tried to move my arms, but I found that they were wrapped around Caera's waist. 'I'm fine with this,' I thought, snuggling up to Caera.

"Arthur, are you awake?" Caera asked, not moving from how she was laying.


"Arthur, don't call me care, your naming skills suck and if we have a kid you're not allowed to name them," Caera said, causing what felt like Thor's hammer to fall onto my ego and destroy it.

"A-Alright," I mumbled, hurt from what she said.

We stayed how we were for a bit, but Caera needed to go back to her room and get dressed for the school day. I had gotten up from the infirmary bed and felt that my body seemed to have healed quite well. While I still can't walk without something to support me. It shouldn't take too long for me to be fully healed.

I also left the infirmary room and went back to my dorm room to get ready for the day. Once at the room I noticed Feyfey had already left. I went and had a shower then got dressed. After that I left to go to my first class.

The first class wasn't anything exciting, just the teacher going over more mana theory. Though that is what the class was called, it was just boring to sit through. My next class was the class that I thought in the last timeline, but now, someone else is teaching it.

I entered the class and made my way upto the bleachers of the room. Most of the other students had already chosen where they wanted to sit. But at the top of the bleachers I saw Feyfey. He seemed to notice me too and signaled me to come over to him.

I walked over to him. Feyfey seemed to be happy that I was better. "My rival, I am amazed that you have already recovered so well. Though it is expected of my rival," Feyfey said, causing me to let out a light chuckle while I sat down beside him.

"Oh, before I forget, here are the notes from yesterday. I look at the time out of my day to copy them twice for you," Feyfey said, pulling out a notebook that's first few pages were filled with notes.

"Thank you Feyfey. I was scared I would need to ask around for notes," I said, placing the notes in my dimension ring.

"I would never let my rival do something so humiliating such as asking others for notes," Feyfey smiled, causing me to chuckle.

"How was your sleep? I can't assume sleeping in a bed while the back of your skin was burned off was very comfortable." Feyfey asked, causing me to think back to my sleep and to my surprise, it was actually one of the best sleeps I had ever had. Why was it so good though?

"Actually, it was really good, I don't know why though," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"My rival is a Masochist," Feyfey said, tears of I don't know what were running down his face.

'Papa, what is a mastocist?" Sylvie asked, failing how to say masochist properly.

'Um, that's a word for another time Sylvie,' I said, petting her head.

'I'll just ask Majestic Uncle Regis, he's sure to know,' Sylvie said, turning around and walking away.

'NOOOO, Sylvie you're not allowed to leave here,' I said, reaching over and grabbing her before she could leave.

'Papa, are you trying to stop me from learning!?' Sylvie gasped, looking at me like I was a criminal.

'Sylvie, I'm not having this argument with you,' I said, placing her down on my lap while I turned my attention back to the middle of the room.,

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