Chapter 74

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Bairon Wykes:

After I had finished talking two the two people Jasmine had adventures with I went back to the earthen hut Olfred had made me. You would actually be surprised what was inside the hut. There wasn't an actual bed, just one made of softened Earth which was surprisingly comfy. While it wouldn't be on the level as my actual bed it is still nice.

Laying down I tried to fall asleep, but I started to notice that my thoughts would return to those two that were sleeping outside. What is the actual reason we had to take them? While two girls told us that those two had drugged prince Curtis, but everyone else had told us Curtis was a traitor who had attacked the academy out of his own fruition.

When our report had gone to the Council the elven representatives Alduin Eralth and Merial Eralith had wanted Curtis to be brought back with us and Lances to be trailed by the Council. But Blaine Glayder, the man I am forced to protect, had been in favor of the two girls' story and wanted Arthur and Caera to be brought back with us.

The Dwarves decided to go with the Glayders for unknown reasons, but with the elves having shut themselves in after the war with us humans. Us and the Dwarves have built a better relationship together so they most likely went with Blaine to not break that friendship. At least that's what I assumed.

But in the end, Curtis is to still be brought in front of the Council, just he is to go with a Royal squad through a teleportation gate. Why we couldn't I would never understand.

We had also been told NOT to use mana suppressing seals in the two, the elven representatives had assured us that they won't fight against us, saying that they know the two and that they won't run.

After a while I had finally drifted off to sleep, knowing well that we'll have a large amount of land to cover before we arrive at the Council's floating palace.


I started to hear the birds chirping, as a gentle breeze came from the door of the hut, causing the hair on my skin to shoot up. My eyes groggily opened as I awoke from my slumber.

Exiting the hut, as there was nothing I could use to wash up. I looked around and saw that Varay and Olfred seemed to be still asleep. I usually wake up a long time before any other Lance does, as it was something I've done for a long time, it has just become natural for me.

Looked over to where the two "prisoners" were. I saw that they were both asleep, a cover over the two of them. Confused as to where the cover came from. But I then saw the dimension ring on the boy's hand.

Letting out a small sigh I started to walk in the forest. I just wanted to go on a small walk in the Beast-Glades, nothing more, nothing less.

I enjoyed the feeling of the wind hitting against my skin as the tree waived in the wind, their leaves making a small whooshing noise. It was relaxing and something I needed from time to time.

Looking up I could see the sun slowly rising. I had never really wondered how the sun moves, thinking of it as unneeded information. We may never truly know what the sun is, but I think it's fine with us just knowing it is what allows us to see in the daytime.

As my walk started to come to an end as I came closer and closer to the area where we had rested. Couldn't really call it a camp as we never lit a fire.

Seeing that both Varay and Olfred were awake, and seemed to be ready to leave. Looking over I saw that both the two "prisoners" were still asleep. Olfred had just conjured the magma bird while throwing a rock at them, he just missed their heads but they didn't wake up.

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