Girl Problem (8)

241 8 6

Hi Alex!

I'm Gwynne, nice meeting yah! Among the advice columns that I read, I really like yours co'z the way you give them advice is so cool and it's soothing. So here's my problem:

I'm a Filipina and proud of it. ^_^   I'm from a broken family, and my dad said where living with him in Canada. Now, I'm scared that I may not fit in with the new people, I think that maybe they'll bully since I'm just a regular girl, I don't wear make ups, and don't do things 13 years old girl from countries like Canada do. What if I won't have any friends, what will I do to fit in? What kind of clothes will I wear, how will I act in front them?

Sincerely yours,



Dear GwynnesAnxiousSide,

First off I want to thank you on that compliment you just gave me.

Well I don't think you should worry too much on your move honestly. Yes, moving to a different part of the world, country, state, or whatever it may be can be nerve wracking but being yourself through the whole process is most important. You are 13. You are not supposed to be wearing make up at that age. And, with all the talk about not doing what other girls do from wherever, don't worry about it. You may find yourself doing exactly what they are doing in a months time span. You will make friends, trust me, it's bound to happen and you know you just have to go with the flow because stressing over it, isn't going to help you.


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