life problem (3)

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Dear BAM

I am writing cause I need some advice about friendship.

I dot know what to do I feel like 90% of my few friends hate me and I don't know what I have done, I can't go and ask them because I am too shy. 

Seriously I feel out of place and awkward within my own friend group, I am constantly being told I am quiet which just make things awkward cause people make big deals out of things when I do talk. I don't know what I should do I have been feeling this way for like the past year yet I have no courage to make new friends what should Ido 

Sincerely music lover


Dear music lover, 

well I can tell you that a lot of people feel exactly like you do. Trust me, when I was around my friends and I was the quiet one and all that, I thought mostly all my friends hated me too.. I think it's the anxiety of people just not liking you in general, you know? i totally understand what you mean when people make a big deal when you do talk. It happens. But I say that start off with one friend and go to the other. Try to talk to them one by one about anything and if you want to try to suggest something for you all to do and stuff. This will show a different side to you and help you to get over being so quiet yet not talking too much where everyone makes a big deal out of it. Slowly but surely you will see that your friends don't really hate you, they just don't know you well enough yet if they ever did. Take charge of how you feel, don't let them make you feel something you shouldn't. 


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