Love problem (16)

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Dear BAM,

Sorry if you're busy right now,but I have a love/problem.I shouldn't really call it that considering, it's not my boyfriend(never had one) and neither is it my love story.Its my friend's.She's dating this guy and it's been like a month or two and they still haven't kissed.She's worried that he might not really like her and she asks me for advice and I've run out of things to say to her.I want to help my friend,what do you think I should say to her to make her feel better and help their relationship?



Dear ThatFriend,

It's alright Hun, no need to say sorry cx but ahhh well after I read this I kind of thought to myself of the possibilities on why he hasn't really kissed her yet. And the first thing that came up was that he could be a little shy when it comes to it. And really the only way to actually know that is if your friend asks him about it. And another thing is that if she's worried about that why didn't she make a move on him to see if he'd kiss her back? I'm pretty sure if he didn't like her then he wouldn't be dating her but hey you never know now a days cx


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