BAMspeaks (4)

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So shoutout to the people below for answering the last BAMspeaks questions! Check out there pages and stuff like that ^_^




To get a shoutout on next BAMspeaks read everything below and then tell your story or some elses that you know who does self harm or has self harmed in the past. 


So today I'm just going to be talking about something different. Now to be fair, in warning, some of the things may trigger somethings to you or cause you to be sad.

So lately I've been seeing a lot of things that guys don't get as much recognition when it comes to self harm, and they don't. You see people believe or well got it stuck into their heads that girls are the only gender that has or had self harmed because were more sensitive and feel more than guys but in reality that isn't true. 

I've had multiple guy friends who have or still self harm and it breaks my heart. To know that they are hurting in general is depressing. Society has made guys into believing they have to be strong all the time. They can't cry or act gay or actually like other guys. And to me, that's crazy. If a guy can be vulnerable with me, I think that's showing just how strong and courageous they really are because you don't get to see a guy cry every day. I mean, yeah it's really sad because when a guy cries, you know it's serious. But also, it's something I admire. Guys can be strong and still have those sensitive moments. They can still be who they are, a human being. People are taking that away from them, to be human. Humans cry.

I can tell you right now, I've seen multiple guys cry. Now strangely girls cry a lot, and most of the time its because of a guy and strangely enough, guys cry over girls too. I think that we as girls are just as bad as boys. That's why I try to be careful with the guys in my life because I know they hurt and are in pain too.

Now with the word gay. Now a days it's like it's natural to call someone gay and gay once meant happy. So basically your telling that guy that they are happy and you know what, guys that like guys should be happy too. There is nothing wrong with two guys liking each other. It's all about an open mind. An open mind about how two people that love each other should be together. Would you want people to stop you from liking or loving who you liked or loved? I don't think so, so why stop two people that love each other from loving each other? It's just not right. Let them be happy. 

Society is sticking it into these guys heads that they can't be who they are. Guys do think just as much as girls how worthless they can be, how fucked up they can get, how broken they are. They think about their looks a lot and a lot of guys don't think they are attractive. You know those cocky guys that are always saying how good they look and all that stuff? I say let them be that way because some of those guys actually don't believe that they are actually that good looking and just are trying to be as confident as they make out to be. Now I'm not saying all guys are like that because some guys actually are that cocky about themselves, but again let them be that way because you know what, its better than them being insecure. 

Yes, guys get insecure just as much as girls. That's not really a big shocker. I used to wonder how some good looking guys could call themselves ugly and the answer that I had found is that a lot of them have been bullied for their looks. Now a lot of the reason for being bullied is because a lot of other guys do get jealous too. They get jealous of other guys. That's why you see guys always trying to get girls, always trying to get there self esteem up, and always trying to find something to make them look good. There is always a reason to why guys act the way they do. You just have to look hard enough. 

With all that being said, which I can go on and on forever, believe me. I just want to tell you that self harm, depression, anxiety, and everything else that you can think of is genderless. There is not just one gender involved. Guys cut, burn, starve, cry, and all that too. It's not just girls. 

So to the people that are reading this, know whats around you. Hug the person next to you, tell the person you love that you love them, and look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself I love you because you're a beautiful human being.

And to the ones reading this and are in pain I just want to tell you to stay strong. We are all fighting some type of war. Believe that you can make it through though. You're worth it. 

I love you guys! As always have a blessed day ^_^

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