Relationship problem (11)

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I'm 16 and I've recently started dating this guy that I really like but there have been a few problems along the way... We have dated in the past but I broke up with him because he actually got quite rude. He asked me for a second chance and it does'nt really look as if he actually was as desperate as he had said, for instance; lately when I start talking he immediatly cuts in and says stuff like, "ugh, nobody cares, just be quiet please" and "bla bla bla let's just go." I really like him but I don't know if I'm really that happy with him. At first he was very affectionate and hugged me but now he acts as if everyone hates me. What should I do? - Confusedbutinlove:(


Dear Confusedbutinlove,

      Im sorry I never replied to this earlier, but it seems to me like you don't need a guy like that in your life. Let me tell you one thing about love, its not always going to be the way you expect it to be but when your with the right one your going to be happy no matter what. You shouldn't have to deal with someone you cant stay in love with. Eventually, your going to get tired of him always being rude to you and your not going to want to be around him. It's better to get out of something early then stay in something you know in your heart isn't working. Trust me, when your in love your going to want to stay but rationality has to play some part in this. Be kind to yourself. He should treat you with the same respect. 


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